The Hard Punch Of Flux Theory Is The Secret Of An Empty Strike

Hardest punch

A Tight Fist is a Heavy Fist!

If martial artists really want to know how to punch hard they have to study Flux Theory. Flux Theory is the study of the flow of energy, and is specific to the martial arts. Except for a few mystical concepts, Flux Theory is rarely understood.

The Flow of Energy has two directions, and these would be positive or negative. Of course, this is a matter of viewpoint. For the transfer of energy from one person to the next is a flow and the viewpoint of positive or negative will change depending on who is looking at it.

When energy flows towards somebody it is generally referred to as positive. When energy flows away from somebody it is generally referred to as negative. To create the hard punch of Flux Theory one must strike with negative energy.

What this means is that the strike is flowing towards someone in a positive manner, but the energy in the arm flows away from the fist. I know this sounds contrary, but it isn’t, it is the idea of relaxing until the arm is limp and relaxed, and that while striking. Thus, you are striking somebody with an arm in which the concept of life has been removed.

I know that sounds bizarre, but it isn’t. The whole notion occurs in your head, you see. You take the consideration of life out of the limb when striking.

What occurs is that when you take the consideration for life out of your punching limb, you make your arm into an ‘inanimate object.’ Thus, you are not throwing a fist at another human being, you are throwing a ‘stick,’ a lump, an object with no consideration for what it hits.

And that means you are punching the other person without consideration for him as a human being. You don’t worry about the sanctity of life, you just throw an inanimate object at them. This works better and better as you become more able to move your awareness back out of your body.

The reason this works is because people normally don’t want to hurt other people, so they put energy in the arm so that shock can be absorbed by the arm. Hit, hit, hit…and there is no damage because the arm absorbs it all. When the arm is an empty stick, however, and you have lost the desire to ‘not hurt’ your fellow man, the energy is transmitted purely and the effect on the opponent is the hard punch of Flux Theory.

the hardest punch

One response to “The Hard Punch Of Flux Theory Is The Secret Of An Empty Strike

  1. Lewis F. Miranda

    Fantastic point of education, pointing what everyone else assumes. Thanks.

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