Tag Archives: hard punch

Knock Out Somebody with a Good Kung Fu Punch

Kung Fu Punch Knocks ’em All the Way Out!

If you would like to knock out someone Kung Fu is a great device, however it does take a bit of understanding.

Hardest punch

A Tight Fist is a Heavy Fist!


Initially, you can easily knock someone out with a Kung Fu punch to the body, and I in fact encourage it. I’ll go into that very first, and explain the very first knock out procedure.

85 % of the people toss a right hand to the face. This is generally an ill become pregnant round home punch, and it is predictable and quickly stopped. So you establish for a really good, challenging punch to the face, then you drive a straight line to the intestine.

Mind you, this is a thrusting punch, and you wish to lock your arm and go all the way with the fellow.

Many fellows do not have exceptional conditioning, and so the body support system collapses, and they are down, and can also be entirely unconscious. It takes a heck of a wallop, however it can easily work. Practice driving your punch with a heavy bag every day for an hour. Get the idea that you can not be ceased. Watch the bag bounce away.

The additional and more confident knock out, is the punch to the head. When you punch the head you are attempting to rattle the mind inside the head. To in fact make it slosh from side to side so challenging it flattens out on the inside of the head, and the fellow you hit drops unconscious.

And, yes, you can easily thrust through the head, the same as if you thrust through the body.

However, the far better strategy is the light flick of the Kung Fu fist. It takes no energy, is mounted by a solitary clear and to the point notion, and it explains the ‘invisible punch,’ that Mohammed Ali made use of to knock out Sonny Liston. Individuals thought that the punch didn’t connect, that Liston took a dive, however, actually, Ali simply flicked a fist easily, you can easily see Liston’s head duck down somewhat, then he is merely falling.

To do this punch you need to be light and easy. You must hang a rate bag and float by it, and simply snap your hand like you were snapping a dish towel. You desire the bag to rattle from side to side like rocks in a can. The fellow will not see it coming, or he will definitely dismiss it as light in weight since there seems to be no mass behind it. However, when it connects, bingo, lights out!

In closing I will certainly point out that it takes work to make this kind of speed punch work, and I might advise that one find out ways to break bricks with excellent Kung Fu punches if they would like to truly master this Kung Fu trick.

The Hard Punch Of Flux Theory Is The Secret Of An Empty Strike

Hardest punch

A Tight Fist is a Heavy Fist!

If martial artists really want to know how to punch hard they have to study Flux Theory. Flux Theory is the study of the flow of energy, and is specific to the martial arts. Except for a few mystical concepts, Flux Theory is rarely understood.

The Flow of Energy has two directions, and these would be positive or negative. Of course, this is a matter of viewpoint. For the transfer of energy from one person to the next is a flow and the viewpoint of positive or negative will change depending on who is looking at it.

When energy flows towards somebody it is generally referred to as positive. When energy flows away from somebody it is generally referred to as negative. To create the hard punch of Flux Theory one must strike with negative energy.

What this means is that the strike is flowing towards someone in a positive manner, but the energy in the arm flows away from the fist. I know this sounds contrary, but it isn’t, it is the idea of relaxing until the arm is limp and relaxed, and that while striking. Thus, you are striking somebody with an arm in which the concept of life has been removed.

I know that sounds bizarre, but it isn’t. The whole notion occurs in your head, you see. You take the consideration of life out of the limb when striking.

What occurs is that when you take the consideration for life out of your punching limb, you make your arm into an ‘inanimate object.’ Thus, you are not throwing a fist at another human being, you are throwing a ‘stick,’ a lump, an object with no consideration for what it hits.

And that means you are punching the other person without consideration for him as a human being. You don’t worry about the sanctity of life, you just throw an inanimate object at them. This works better and better as you become more able to move your awareness back out of your body.

The reason this works is because people normally don’t want to hurt other people, so they put energy in the arm so that shock can be absorbed by the arm. Hit, hit, hit…and there is no damage because the arm absorbs it all. When the arm is an empty stick, however, and you have lost the desire to ‘not hurt’ your fellow man, the energy is transmitted purely and the effect on the opponent is the hard punch of Flux Theory.

the hardest punch

I Love Teaching How to Punch Hard!

I love to teach how to punch hard. I have always loved the idea of the tight fist, the punch that knocks ’em over, the fistaroonie that does the job. But teaching it is another high altogether!

hardest punch

The Hardest Punch in All the Martial Arts!

I usually start people off with Matrix Karate. It is logical, there is no mystery, and it is fast to teach. And, the most enjoyable part is teaching somebody what a real punch is.

Last night I had a fellow take my class, and he had an assortment of experience. He actually knew a lot, but the information was all jumbled, out of order. So first thing I do is have him hold a bag, and I punch him.

The eyes go wide, he is slammed back, and he knows something unique has happened for one reason…no effort. I don’t grunt or groan or muscle up. I just get the job done.

Now, here comes the fun part. I tell him what I have done, I show him so he can understand, and then I hold the bag.

People take from 30 seconds to 30 minutes to figure it out, and this guy was smart. His first punch knocked me back a couple of feet.

I grinned. He grinned. He punched me again.

There is something so downright addictive about smacking the you know what out of something (a punching bag with full body weight behind it). It makes the whole art come alive. I tell you, Karate has gotten a bad rap. A lot of people think it is for kids, or tournaments.  But it ain’t so.

Heck, hold the bag for me, I’ll bounce you across the room so fast your head will whiplash. And then I’ll show you how. Thirty seconds of the correct information, and I’ll teach you how to punch hard. Guaranteed.

the hardest punch

The Hard Punch That Will Knock Over an Elephant

You know, I talk about the hard punch a fair amount, wrote the book on it, but there is one thing that I don’t say, but that I should. Now in the book I talk about the methods, and one should practice these methods, and it should get them started, and within a couple of months one should have a hard strike that will kick just about anybody on their keister.

hard punchThis knowledge is invaluable, never been written down before. But the reason I wrote it is not to give the comic book reader a way to steal lunch money, but to get people to dedicate themselves for a few months. If they do that, then they can see the benefit in devoting a lifetime to the martial arts, and here comes the one thing I should have told people.

You don’t need to do the punch a thousand times a day, but you do need to do it a thousand days. Sure, you’ll get the power in a couple of months, but that is just a shadow of the real power you can get. That’s just a teaser.

One of the fellows who first taught me didn’t have any method, he just heard that you could break bricks with your hands, so he set up a brick and hit it fifty times a day. He had to be careful not to bruise his hands, but he practiced, and he just kept practicing. When he couldn’t practice on the brick anymore, he would just practice in the air, and visualize the brick breaking.

He used to take a brick and place it on a fence post, upright, no brace of any sort, and snap a half fist into it. It didn’t just break…it shattered. I mean, the sucker almost exploded! And that was with four years of playing with it.

Can you imagine what that punch would have done to a person?

I had another instructor, and he would place a brick on a step and shear it off. He said the trick was in the timing, that you lift and lower ever so slightly so the brick was actually hitting the cement step at the moment of shear. Some trick, it still takes an immense amount of focus and concentration.

Concentration, that is the key, and that is why you do these tricks. No, Bruce was right, bricks (boards) don’t fight back. But the mental focus you gain in being able to shatter them stays with you your entire life.

Anyway, I recommend you get my book, The Punch, and get all the data. That way you won’t be flying blind. And then think about what I’ve said here. Put it together, then practice, slowly and surely, and within a couple of years you will be doing more than knuckling over elephants. You will feb shattering bricks with your hard punch.