Tag Archives: kung fu saying

Martial Arts Profound Secret that will Irritate

Newsletter 921

The Martial Art Secret that will Bug You!

I read this other day,
realized it was profound,
that it would bug the stuff out of people
if they knew it.
wanting to bug everybody,
I decided to tell you.
Just remember one thing,
when you’re thinking this over,
in the next few decades,
when you remember it and scrunch up your nose
and lower your brow anew…
it came from …


Got it?
here it is.
A profound stupid item that will,
once you’ve had time to think about it,
get under your skin.

There are three types of people.

Winners make their dreams work
Losers have given up on their dreams
the vast bulk of people…

dreamers walk around dreaming of everything they don’t have…
and never do anything about it.

That’s it.

some of you are going to read this
and profound changes will occur.
You will start doing things differently.
But you were already winners.

Losers probably will never read this,
they’ve already given up,
even if they read it
it would have no impact.

Then there’s…you.

Make a list of the things you dreamed about.
What you wanted to be in life,
what you wanted to accomplish.
Did you do it?
Did you?
Can you change right now?
Interesting question.

There was a congressman
~ this is a true story ~
he spent 30 years in office,
and on the day he left
he was going through his desk
and he found a sheet of paper,
stuck in the back of the drawer,
crumpled up under the weight
of thousands of things shoved in after it.
He unfolded the paper
and saw it was a list of things
he planned to accomplish when in office.
He had written it his first day in office,
stuck it in the drawer,
and here it was,
30 years later,
and he had not accomplished
a single thing on the list.

30 years of votes and elections,
30 years of meeting with leaders,
30 years of being in charge,
and he was a dreamer.
And that’s all.

I’m a martial artist,
I dreamed,
and I became my dreams.
I did this
in spite of the people who said ‘no.’
believe me,
there were plenty of people who offered discouragement.

You’re a martial artist,
or you wouldn’t be reading this.
So here’s the question:

Are you a winner, a loser, or a dreamer?

Are you going to study for a few years,
then quit,
get married and do what you’re told,
let kids take you out of the game,
let a career get in the way?

If you do that then,
in 30 or 40 years
you are going to open that closet,
see the fresh pressed uniform hanging there,
but there won’t be any multi-tipped black belt
looped over the hanger.
You’ll be face to face
with dreams that never happened.
You settled for a life of dreaming,
and even though you fell into a 9 to 5,
worked hard and were faithful,
you’re just a dreamer.

I’ll tell you,
you see that empty uniform
gathering dust and moths
and you’re going to remember this
and it is going to bug the stuff out of you.
All you could have been,
all you could have done,
in an empty uniform.

Or you could do something about it,
get started right now,
and do something.
Write a path,
and force yourself to stick to it
until the dream becomes reality.


Have a great work out!

