Tag Archives: learn karate

How and Why Matrixing Will Work in Your Martial Art!

Learn a Martial Art in a matter of months!

A lot of people read my site, or articles on the web, and they raise their eyes and say, ‘Oh, right. A guy can learn a Martial Art in a few months? Ha!’

Lot of cynicism out there, and I understand it. Some fellow studies for years to learn Karate or learn Kung Fu or whatever, and I come along and say, ‘You could have learned it ten times faster.’

martial art

Don’t just look at the moon…BE the moon!

That guy is going to be upset! He’s going to think I’m full of it, just because if he doesn’t, then it invalidates all his years of training.

But, when somebody actually does matrix their martial art, and this works for Aikido and Kenpo and ALL other martial arts systems, then they find that I am not invalidating all they have done…I am making it count! I am organizing their data, making it more accessible, and that means their martial art is sharper, quicker, more intuitive…and so much more!

So how do I convince the doubter?

Try these facts on for size.

Take two pigeons and put them together for 6 weeks and they will mate for life.

6 weeks, and you cam MAKE a pea brain MAKE a life altering decision. Doesn’t even matter if Mrs. Pigeon is ugly.

Now this is a stupid fact, but it tends to open the door to facts more pertinent to you and the Martial Arts.

The US army takes a common, garden variety man or woman…and MAKES them into a soldier in three months. Another three months and we’re talking about a high tech soldier, able to use a computer, or some other complicated device, right in the middle of a firefight!

That’s a good fact. It speaks highly of dedicated, factual training.

Here’s another one: there are ads on TV that claim you can MAKE your body into a lean, mean muscle machine in three months. Three months and you no longer have a beer barrel, but, instead, have a six pack!

So the point here is this: if you are smarter than a pigeon, then you can change your mind and change your body in three months.

Or, in other words,

You can learn a martial art in a matter of months!

You don’t even have to believe! You just have to get a martial arts course and do it!

So now we come down to choice.

Do you want to sit around and tweet one liners…or do you want to join a brotherhood that has lasted for thousands of years…the brotherhood of the Martial Artist!

Do you want to be sweet meat for that home invader? That mugger? That guy who wants to take your girlfriend?

Do you want to watch Bruce Lee movies and think, ‘How cool!’ Or do you want to BE like Bruce Lee?

Okay. Nuff said. I hope I’ve changed your mind, gotten you to get up off the coach, inspired you to do something that will give your life value forever!

So take a look at this http://monstermartialarts.com site, check out the courses, and decide what you want to do.

Remember, the only person stopping you from being more than you…is you.

This has been a page about how to learn a martial art, and how you can learn them in a matter of a few months.

Man Steals Own TV Set And Asks Why Didn’t He Learn Kung Fu!

Don’t Help Criminals! Learn Kung Fu!

This fellow had to be asking why didn’t he learn Kung Fu. He lived in Wilmington, Delaware, and he was sauntering down the sidewalk, approaching his own home. Seeing a fellow carrying a TV set, and seeing that the fellow was struggling, he quickly jumped in and offered to help.

You can imagine his surprise, maybe when he grabbed the falling remote, or maybe saw a glass stain on the top, or whatever, that he was holding his own TV set. He looked down the street and realized that his front door was open! That’s right, he was helping a thief steal his own TV set!

Now, what do you do in such a predicament? Do you let go of the TV set, breaking it, and throw a front kick? Do you ask the fellow to put it on the ground for a second, pretending you are tired or need to regrip it, and then scream bloody murder?

After all, the thief has broken into your house. He has gone through your stuff, selected what he thought he would like, and treated your home like a supermarket! Is there any reason to think he hasn’t been in prison, doesn’t know how to fight, isn’t willing to kill you over a TV set?

That’s the point at which you wished you had studied a good system of Kung Fu. A Martial Art like Wing Chun or Hsing i, or maybe even a bit of Tai Chi Chuan! After all, if you want to get in a war with a criminal, you need to be in tip top physical shape, and you need to know how to inflict a little damage while not getting a little damage.

Your best chance is just to scream for all you are worth. After all, criminals don’t want to meet the police, they want to get away! That’s why they call them criminals, right?

Your second best bet, in the event that he decides to take you out and continue with his shopping of your property, is to maintain distance and try a kick for the gonads. You should do this while screaming as loud as you can, of course. Kicks to the groin, taking out the knees, all while staying out of range of his criminal fists is a good idea.

Your last bet, and this is last chance, is to slug it out, grapple, do anything you can to take him out, all while screaming, all while trying to make sure he doesn’t get to you. You know, if you study something like Tai Chi Chuan, a Shaolin Kung fu, anything like that, you are going to have a tremendous advantage. A hardened criminal doesn’t have the strength of discipline to learn Kung Fu, so if you have learned, you will definitely have a better chance of surviving.

get black belt now

People Should Learn Karate Online Because of What Happened to Detroit Bus Drivers!

learn karate online1 blog learn karate onlinePeople want to learn Karate Online because it is quick and easy to learn. There isn’t any school politics, you aren’t held back by slow learners, teachers pushing programs, or some other silly reason. Because of what happened in Detroit, there is even more reason for wanting to get involved in the martial arts.

This headline hit the news within the last week…‘100 Bus Drivers’ Refuse to Drive Their Buses!’

The reason? Fear. Here’s what the head of the bus driver’s union had to say.

“Our drivers are scared, they’re scared for their lives. This has been an ongoing situation about security. I think yesterday kind of just topped it off, when one of my drivers was beat up by some teenagers down in the middle of Rosa Parks and it took the police almost 30 minutes to get there, in downtown Detroit,” said Gaffney.

So, there you go, people who are scared because of what is happening in our society, so they just won’t work. Heck, there are even cases of the police refusing to work!

Of course, you could always carry a weapon. It worked in the state of Florida, they passed a law allowing people to carry arms, and the crime rate went down.

Oh, you’re a democratic, bleeding heart type of fellow who thinks guns kill people? And people don’t hurt people? How about learning some, good old martial arts? Learn some good old fashioned, punch in the nose Karate. Or Taekwondo, or Kenpo! The next guy who picks on a lady on your bus is going to find himself down and out…out of the bus and face down in the gutter. And the people in the bus will cheer wildly!

Well, I can only preach about this. People can get large in the body and lethargic in the head, they can live in fear, they can be victims. It’s up to the individual.

As for me, I think that to learn Karate Online is a good idea whose time has definitely arrived!