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Release of How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan!

Newsletter 924

About the New Karate to Tai Chi Book!

Hi Guys and Gals.

This is to announce the official release of
‘Chiang Nan’

Chiang Nan is the title I settled on, the working title is
‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan.’
So Chiang Nan,
or ‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan
was originally bundled into the course.
You can get it in PDF if you order the course.

I just published the official book
‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan,’
and it is available on Amazon.
The official title is…

‘Chiang Nan’

and here’s the link…

And for those who don’t know what it is about…
As the subtitle says,
it teaches one how to make karate into tai chi chuan.

If you have been studying karate,
this will expand your concepts of karate by ten times.
Different way of looking at form applications.
Different way of doing the form.
Really opens the mind.

If you have been studying Tai Chi Chuan,
you will learn a lot about techniques,
doing other arts tai chi style,
and so on.

it’s a different kind of strength,
different energy,
a whole and complete education.
If you know just the hard arts,
you need to know the soft.
or you only have half an art.

If you know just the soft arts,
you need to know the hard,
or you only have half an art.

This is a 270 page book
(three in one, actually)
that covers how to translate karate into tai chi,
what the lost form,
the original form that karate came from,
might look,
and the secret techniques of karate…
deliberately hidden by the secret pact
made by Okinawan karate masters.

So check it out on Amazon,
or just get the PDF by ordering the course through

Have a great work out!

A Master Instructor from Greece!

Newsletter 923

One More Master Instructor

Well done and congrats to the latest Master Instructor!

Emmanouil Spanoudakis

Hello Mr. Al

I don’t know from where to begin with. I read the course and I have watched the videos. They changed most things I had in my mind about martial arts. Generally I practice on combat systems. So, I figured that most of combat systems just get the surface of  martial arts. I already applied some things, mostly on my stances and I show great improvements which need practice to be established. I thought all attacks and defenses I know and found out many mistakes. I’ m thinking correcting all my curriculum from the begging.

I liked your approach of the idea of energy because I have studied philosophy and metaphysics, but your approach made it more practical in my mind.

My win is that I show a depth in martial arts that I was feeling but couldn’t see. It is like you show that to me and I am very grateful about this. Now I have much material to work on in order to adjust on my martial arts.

About life I have the same approach with you considering martial arts. “Well, Art is beauty. It is harmony. It is when the elements of the universe are arranged in a pleasing pattern. Thus, the dawn can be great art. And, the greatest artist is merely that individual who can arrange the greatest (most significant) number of elements in the most beautiful pattern.” The idea is that I want to put this in a combat system.

I will keep practicing what I learned, thank you very much.

Emmanouil Spanoudakis.

Well done Emman,

and thank you.


for the information of all,

Emman is from Greece and plans to open a school soon.

Armed with the right data,

Emman is going to be a success.

You can just feel it.

What I am particular struck with,

in his win,

is his last paragraph about beauty and harmony

and arranging the most elements in a beautiful pattern.

The purpose of the Master instructor course

is to give people enough information so that they can do this,

take all their data and rework it into a logic and profound pattern,

to break out of old patterns and make everything work

by giving enough information so they can do this.


well done, Emman,

and here’s the link…

Have a great work out!


Translating Karate into Tai Chi Chuan

Benefits to Translating Karate into Tai Chi Chuan?

First, comes the question, why would anybody want to make karate into tai chi chuan?

Lots of reasons, actually.

First, learning how to do Karate Tai Chi style opens the doors for people who are old or injured to enjoy this most marvelous art.

Second, and this is important, it teaches people who study karate a whole new set of principles. It teaches them things about energy, how the body works, exposes a whole new set of form applications, and more.

Third, people who study tai chi chuan have the same learning experience: new techniques, different methods of developing chi power, and more.

The differences between these two arts is pretty sizable.

Karate, rightly or wrongly, is held up as an explosive and linear art.

Tai Chi Chuan is held up as a slow motion adjunct to good health.

Both arts are good, but they are only of the martial art entire.

A good karate practitioner should learn how to move slow, as this will teach a whole new style of energy production, and double potential striking (blocking) power.

Further, the slow movements increases understanding of ‘emptiness,’ which increases the ‘zen’ spirituality of the art form.

And, most important, the viewpoint on bunkai, form applications or self defense moves, undergoes a radical shift.

Karate explodes, tai chi absorbs, thus the karateka learning  tai chi concepts is going to learn a totally different, and sometimes diametrically opposed, method for applying the self defense moves built into the forms.

And, from the other side, people who study tai chi for health, or who don’t fully understand the applications of that discipline, or only buying half a loaf.

Building energy through a simple motion with no resistance is useful, but only of ten per cent of the real value. Learning the applications will create deeper understanding of the form, make the moves mean something, and therein lies the real potential of chi power and health benefits.

There a lot of benefits to combining the two arts, and only a fluff martial artist would not want to avail himself (herself) of the benefits of translating karate into tai chi chuan.

The author has written the first and only tome on this fascinating subject of turning karate into tai chi chuan. The title is ‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan.’ The book is bundled into the video course available at The book will become available in paperback, but it may be some time before this occurs. The video course is over five hours of hands on instruction.

Martial Arts Profound Secret that will Irritate

Newsletter 921

The Martial Art Secret that will Bug You!

I read this other day,
realized it was profound,
that it would bug the stuff out of people
if they knew it.
wanting to bug everybody,
I decided to tell you.
Just remember one thing,
when you’re thinking this over,
in the next few decades,
when you remember it and scrunch up your nose
and lower your brow anew…
it came from …


Got it?
here it is.
A profound stupid item that will,
once you’ve had time to think about it,
get under your skin.

There are three types of people.

Winners make their dreams work
Losers have given up on their dreams
the vast bulk of people…

dreamers walk around dreaming of everything they don’t have…
and never do anything about it.

That’s it.

some of you are going to read this
and profound changes will occur.
You will start doing things differently.
But you were already winners.

Losers probably will never read this,
they’ve already given up,
even if they read it
it would have no impact.

Then there’s…you.

Make a list of the things you dreamed about.
What you wanted to be in life,
what you wanted to accomplish.
Did you do it?
Did you?
Can you change right now?
Interesting question.

There was a congressman
~ this is a true story ~
he spent 30 years in office,
and on the day he left
he was going through his desk
and he found a sheet of paper,
stuck in the back of the drawer,
crumpled up under the weight
of thousands of things shoved in after it.
He unfolded the paper
and saw it was a list of things
he planned to accomplish when in office.
He had written it his first day in office,
stuck it in the drawer,
and here it was,
30 years later,
and he had not accomplished
a single thing on the list.

30 years of votes and elections,
30 years of meeting with leaders,
30 years of being in charge,
and he was a dreamer.
And that’s all.

I’m a martial artist,
I dreamed,
and I became my dreams.
I did this
in spite of the people who said ‘no.’
believe me,
there were plenty of people who offered discouragement.

You’re a martial artist,
or you wouldn’t be reading this.
So here’s the question:

Are you a winner, a loser, or a dreamer?

Are you going to study for a few years,
then quit,
get married and do what you’re told,
let kids take you out of the game,
let a career get in the way?

If you do that then,
in 30 or 40 years
you are going to open that closet,
see the fresh pressed uniform hanging there,
but there won’t be any multi-tipped black belt
looped over the hanger.
You’ll be face to face
with dreams that never happened.
You settled for a life of dreaming,
and even though you fell into a 9 to 5,
worked hard and were faithful,
you’re just a dreamer.

I’ll tell you,
you see that empty uniform
gathering dust and moths
and you’re going to remember this
and it is going to bug the stuff out of you.
All you could have been,
all you could have done,
in an empty uniform.

Or you could do something about it,
get started right now,
and do something.
Write a path,
and force yourself to stick to it
until the dream becomes reality.

Have a great work out!

Reading Minds the Easy Way in the Martial Arts

Newsletter 920
<h1>Super Advanced Secret Martial Arts!</h1>
One of the things I really like
is when somebody understands what I’m talking about.
Hey, who doesn’t, right?

Some fellow writes and says:
‘I see it, the martial arts are all the same!
Karate, Pa Kua, Aikido, there’s no difference!’

within a fortnight,
this same fellow will be chuckling with glee,
looking at somebody doing an art,
and understanding what that fellow is doing.
He sees a move,
and the whole picture opens up for him.
‘Oh, that guy is doing Kenpo.
Here is the karate variation.
Here is the Tai Chi variation.
And so on.

Once somebody understands that all arts are one,
the door opens.
He learns just by looking.
If he has done his basic work in some art,
say a couple of years getting his basics down,
it is easy as pie
to shift those basics,
and understand entire arts at a glance.

I remember the first time I verbalized this.
I was walking through an outdoor mall with one of my students,
we were passing out fliers.
My student saw a fellow coming towards us.
‘Here’s somebody,’ he said.
I glanced at the guy,
and without thinking, I said,
‘Studies Kenpo.’
My student stared at me.
“Well, he does.”
More stare.
“Ask him.”
So we stopped the fellow and I said,
‘Hey, you study Kenpo, right?’
The guy grinned and nodded.
He had just gotten his brown belt the night before.

But my student couldn’t believe it.
“That was luck!”

Two guys were walking towards us.
“The guy on the right does kenpo, too.
The guy on the left is Taekwondo.”

So we stopped them,
and I was right again.

Now my student was freaked.
“How are you doing that?”

it’s sort of the way they walk,
each art walks differently,
but the real key is just a sort of attitude around them.”

I had about 30 years experience at the time,
I was hot and heavy into figuring matrixing out,
and knowing what people studied didn’t impress me.
I wasn’t impressed with myself,
It was just something I could do.
No biggie.

I had practiced the basics,
you see,
and the basics from a large enough variety of martial arts,
that I knew that all arts were one.
And I could see the flavor,
or the slant of a basic,
and I could see the flavor or slant
seeping into the way people walked,
how they talked and moved.
it was sort of second realization for me.
The first was just realizing that people were uncoordinated,
walked all wrong,
didn’t understand the physics
of how their joints worked,
how their muscles moved,
of how to move the body without muscles.

The funny thing is,
there’s a few of you out there thinking I’m wacky.
But there’s more of you out there,
who have studied some matrixing,
read the Master Instructor book,
done the course,
that you know exactly what I’m talking about.
you guys are my proof.

to tell the truth,
anybody who has done the real martial arts,
not the domination and bully stuff,
but the patient, mind cooling stuff,
can do what what I’ve described here.

The question here is why take thirty or forty years to get there,
you could take a few matrixing courses
realize that all arts are one,
and have this ability in a year or two.

You could get started on any of the courses,
but I like the Master Instructor course,
cause it goes into the right way to use the body,
right away.

Have a great work out!

Beat Feet in Retreat and Win!

Newsletter 918

The Danger of Reverse Martial Arts!

there are three dangers here,
and one exception,
but first let’s answer the question…
What the heck is ‘Reverse Martial Arts?’
The answer is simple.
Backing up.
Retreating…and usually in disarray and with little hope!

The simplicity,
as you’ve no doubt heard,
is that there are three levels to a man.

If the body backs up,
if you are running,
can’t cope with the attack,
then the opponent can see it,
exploit it,
and chase you down.
By not holding your ground you become weak.

the body backs up because the mind has failed.
The mind is a bunch of memory,
and the memories we are speaking of
are those techniques
you’ve tried so hard to make
But if the attack comes too fast,
is something you don’t understand,
you flinch…
which is to say back up.
So the mind has to back up first,
then the body.

the mind backs up because the spirit has failed.
The spirit is you.
You set yourself a task,
you decide to ‘go forward,’
but something confuses you,
makes you blink,
and you let go your task,
and the mind shuts down,
and the body backs up.

You are in retreat,
and in retreat is the danger of losing.

there is an exception.
If your retreat is a plan,
if you realize something about the other person,
that you can deflate his presence,
depower his weapons,
confuse his strategy,
by a momentary retreat,
by ‘suckering him in,’
then you are not running.
You are setting the other fellow up,
or ‘attacking in retreat.’

that all said,
there is a cure,
a way to make sure that you never fail on any level,
and not on all three levels.
This is to keep the eyes open,
to study your mistakes,
to go forward with thought,
with consideration,
with analysis.
But that’s hard to do.
it is the key to superlative martial arts.

here’s the obligatory link…

if you can do this course,
if you can keep your eyes forward and steady,
unblinking and ready,
while doing this drill…
you are da man!

Have a great work out!


The truth About Creating Your Own Martial Art in Four Steps

Newsletter 912

Can You Create Your Own Martial Art?

I’ve been getting a LOT of questions lately,
how do you matrix krav maga,
how do you matrix the martial arts,
how do you create your own art.

Usually I answer as best I can,
realizing that these people are not normal.
hope I’m not offending anybody,
but they sound like bot driven questions.

As to how to matrix the arts,
read some of my books,
get some of my tapes.
Easily explained and shown.

the one that got me was
‘how do you create your own art.’
What got me about this question
was that other people tried to answer it.
The question seemed to be addressed to me,
it was quorum,
so not sure,
but several people tried to answer,
and they totaled MESSED it.

Answers included:
you can’t.
you have to have something unique.
you can but it has to be proven in MMA.

the short story is this:
if you just copy somebody else’s art
you aren’t an artist,
you’re a copy cat.
somewhere along the line,
you HAVE to create.
Else you aren’t really an artist.

ask this same question of a painter
and you will end up with something like this:
you can’t paint until you learn to make canvas.

that was the attitude in the middle ages,
and famous artists would gain apprentices
who would make their canvases for them,
and never learn anything.
They were just being used.

I hope you appreciate that analogy,
because it is REALLY spot on.

here is the FULL story:

first, study an art to expert (black belt)
second, study other arts on your own
third, find what works for you
fourth, categorize according to concept, principle, or whatever.

And that is the truth about creating your own art.

I encourage people to study as many arts as they can.
I help them through my courses.
I encourage them to take a class to black belt.
I give an education that helps people understand
the concepts and principles involved.
I make the best martial artists in the world.
NO copycats.

you want to be an artist?
A REAL artist,
considering that an artist is somebody who actually creates art?
There is actually only one place on earth that does that.
There is only one place that gives access to a variety of arts,
and is dedicated to the student learning,
as opposed to mindless drilling,
as opposed to the art as a calisthenic,
as opposed to a single art being considered the ONLY art.

Here go…

Have a great MLK day,
he was a man who believed in peace,
and making peace work
without using force,
is the highest martial art.

Have a great work out!

Here’s How to Have a Real Golden Age of Martial Arts

Newsletter 903

The Coming Golden Age of Martial Arts…

Let’s talk about Matrixing,
and how it works.
Before I do,
let me put forth a shameless ad…

Almost here!
I call it HanaKwanMass,
so I can offend the most people.
whether you are offended or not,
you will probably give gifts,
and the best gift you can give
is a course in Matrix Martial Arts,
it not only gives now, but over the years,
for the course of an entire lifetime.

the ad officially over,
I noticed something very interesting,
back when I figured matrixing out.

Take a carburetor apart.
Clean it.
Put it back together.
If you have no experience,
you’re going to mess it up.
At the least,
it is going to take you a lo-o-ong time.
It often takes a lot of mistakes
to figure things out.
That’s the story with the martial arts.
You learn forms with no meaning,
nobody shows you the tricks
to make the techniques work.
Higher belts beat the crud out of you,
and don’t tell you what they know.

The problem is that people don’t know how to explain
what they know.
They earned it over time,
by making a lot of mistakes,
and they can’t explain it to you.

What if somebody could explain the mistakes to you,
could give you the knowledge to make it work,
without all the time and mistakes?
And that is the essence of matrixing.

Instead of spending four to five years,
grinding through bruises and even breaks,
figuring it out one step at a time,
what if you could just get the data,
learn the martial arts,
and do them?

So when I started teaching matrixing,
I would show somebody the real reason behind a punch,
I would show them how the lines of energy align in the human body.
virtually instantly,
their blocks became solid…
and they caused pain.

It didn’t take years of lessons
on how to build the mysterious ‘chi power,’
it didn’t take dozens of forms
and hundreds of techniques,
it just took the actual and real reasons
behind what and how you do the martial arts.

If you understand something you can do it.

If you don’t understand something
you have to suffer through mistakes.
And nobody tells you what the mistakes are,
you just keep doing them
until you accumulate enough bonks on the nose
to figure out you’re doing something wrong.

So why lead with your face?
Why not lead with your mind,
with logic,
with the real reasons behind the martial arts?

I know
I’m an internet scamster,
tricking people for their money.
I’ve been on the internet since 2002.
Check the Time Machine if you don’t believe.
And before that I was doing mail order since 1984.
In that time I have received FOUR complaints.
Two of the complaints people didn’t even open their orders,
just sent them back.
One of the guys I have no idea why he wanted his money back.
One guy was highly upset
that I didn’t give him the classical art he wanted.
He apparently didn’t read the ad,
didn’t figure out that I was doing things differently,
that I was fixing the classical.

here’s something to think about.
People say that the Golden Age of Martial Arts
was back in the sixties.
They are wrong.
That was a period of discovery,
of growth and expansion,
of categorizing various arts into packages.
We have stars exploding,
arts become franchises,
and every week it seemed like something new was happening.

That’s not a golden age,
that’s just discovering something.

A REAL Golden Age is coming,
and it depends not on advertising and movies,
on stars and franchises.
It depends on knowledge.
before 1970 there were hundreds of people in China
who could too the ‘one finger’ trick.
Stick their finger through a board and leave a hole.
There were people who could break bricks from ten feet away,
just a blast of ‘chi power.’
I even have a photo of one fellow
placing a piece of bamboo across two slices of watermelon
and breaking the stick with a chop,
and not denting the watermelon slices.

Most of you have never heard of this stuff.
Have certainly never seen it.
you won’t learn it in today’s schools.

study the knowledge behind the martial arts
and you will not only understand tricks like these,
you will be able to do them.

The essence of the martial arts is in the knowledge
that is not currently being taught.
That knowledge is in the matrixing courses.
The matrixing courses are the real reasons,
the actual physics behind the martial arts.
All it takes is you,
to understand it,
to study it,
to make it work.
And that’s when we’ll have the true Golden Age of Martial Arts.

I talk,
blue in the face,
here’s the link,
and for God’s sake,
I hope you understand the difference between mindlessly practicing techniques,
and understanding the real reasons for those techniques.

excuse me for being overly passionate,
I just love the martial arts so much,
and I so want you to have them,
the real martial arts for the real you.
Have a great work out!

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Win from a New Karate Black Belt

Newsletter 894

Congrats to Temple Karate Black Belt

Congrats to Shayne Guthrie.
Here are parts of his win.
Meijin Al,
I found that if you do the material while concentrating on the basic basics and the Master Instructor course, your form and understanding are greatly enhanced and makes the material easily understood.
I dedicated the last 7 yrs to studying everything that you have written and I chose the Temple Karate program, with your entire Monkey Boxing course, simply because everything you teach, is in these personal system of yours. The Karate, the Shaolin, the Pau Kua and the Tai Chi.
I believe the forms were good due to these two courses. The 40 monkeys really showed and allowed the bridge to be seen from application to actual combat. And, the temple forms, in the way that you structured them just made the Karate I learned in my 20’s make more sense. An example is the second movement in Pinan 3, where the double block ends, in the classical movement, you expanded that motion with a step slap grab motion…which when I was first learning it I always thought there should be something else. This is one of the reasons that I decided on Temple Karate, it was here that I knew I had found a True Art.
Thank you and I hope you do not mind me addressing you as Meijin…I have a friend who is fluent in Japanese ( a fellow MA) and I was discussing some of your teachings and he commented Meijin and when I asked him what that meant he said this:
Meijin Literally “brilliant  man,†a rarely used title for only the oldest, most dedicated and most skilled of instructors in a system.  The title carries with it a  sense of genius in the martial arts, and may also imply attainment of a high spiritual level.

I thought it described you very well!

A Humble Bow Meijin

Thank you, Shayne,
and it is I who am humbled.
To be called Meijin,
quite an honor.
I don’t think anybody has ever said that before,
so I thank you,
I hope I deserve such a compliment.

for all,
it starts with Matrix Karate,
proceeds through the kung fu courses,
goes into Monkey Boxing.

But just because you have done Matrix Karate,
doesn’t mean there isn’t more karate.
The fact is,
classical karate isn’t really understood
until you have done that first matrixing course.
then it opens up,
and goes a lot of places
That is the intent of Temple Karate.

Here’s the link.

thanks Shayne,
and to all…



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Ten Volume Zen Masterpiece of Martial Arts Published!

Newsletter 891

The Biggest Martial Arts Lesson of All Released!!!

Been busy,
keeping my head low and working on the martial arts,
and came up with a TEN VOLUME series.
That’s right, TEN volumes.
That’s a lot of writing.

In fact,
that is about 1500 pages,
700+ chapters,
320,000 words!
That’s a lot.

It is called,
‘The Biggest Martial Arts Lesson of All.’

It is based on the original 500 articles,
which I used to sell on Monster,
but which went out of print,
mainly because I had so many more than 500 articles.

The books have been divided into approximately 25 sections.
Karate, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Chi Power, Matrixing,
lots of chapters.
You can see which volume has which chapters
by searching on Amazon
and reading the descriptions.

you can get a cheap kindle version,
about five of them i am letting go on kindle for $.99.
Low price to encourage sales.
the other 5 are $4.99.

I recommend the paperbacks,
which are still inexpensive
at only $9.99 a piece.
The reason the paperbacks are so much better
is that kindle has a real rough time with formatting.
up to you.

if you would,
I need some five star reviews.
If you have a PDF of the original 500 articles,
you are qualified to leave a review.
And if you buy,
please say kind things.
If you are going to give me unkind things,
or less than five stars,

in these TEN VOLUMES
you are going to get the pearls and priceless wisdom
that result from 50 years in the martial arts.
Laughers on who is better,
Michael Jackson or Bruce Lee,
training tips like
how to master light kung fu,
the correct way to power up your punch,
developing kicks that will knock over surly elephants.
and histories like
the real story of the Shaolin Temple,
tales of forgotten masters,
and so on.

Look with 700+ chapters,
you could read a chapter a day,
and it would only take you two years
to become thoroughly enlightened.

Or you could take the short cut,
read them overnight
and be enlightened by tomorrow morning.

go get it,

‘The Biggest Martial Arts Lesson of All.’

It’s in ten volumes,
it’s on Amazon,
(publishing is in process,
so it may take a couple of days for some of the volumes),
or if you want to send me more of a commission,
it’s available on Createspace.

Okey dokey!
and go for it.

A great work out to you!

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