Tag Archives: kung fu punch

Hitting Harder in the Martial Arts by Hitting Softer

Newsletter 875

How to Hit Harder in the Martial Arts without Hitting Harder

It’s friday.
It’s end of the week work out day!
Get all set up for working out all weekend.

great title, eh?
So let’s start at the beginning.

My first experience in resistance was a kicking bag.
Kicked the crap out of it.
Bounced it up to the ceiling,
day after day after day.
it wasn’t right.
It didn’t feel right.
Hit it,
kick it,
it didn’t feel like a human body.
But I practiced it for power,
then kicked bodies for control.
Worked my techniques,
practiced my freestyle,
but knew there was something lacking in my reality.

Then they came up with kicking shields.
Much better than a bag.
You had to hit it right,
in spite of the fact that your partner could flinch and twist.
You had to figure out how to move his weight,
without sending him through a wall.
A lot better.

But the interesting thing was that the old drills,
drills I had been doing for years,
began to connect.
I began to ‘feel’ inside my opponent’s body
with my fist and foot.

this isn’t strange.
If you put your hands on somebody’s arm
you can feel the biceps.
You can feel the striations,
you can feel the bone underneath,
you can feel the nooks and crannies,
you can feel how the arm works,
and you can feel what it takes,
and where,
to damage it.

That’s with your fingers,
but you can feel with your fists.
You can feel with your feet.
And here’s something interesting.
The universe is mostly space,
and this includes the human body.
So if you knock on a door
you can listen,
and ‘feel’ (become aware of as if through radar)
And if you knock on the human body
with your fist or foot,
you can listen,
feel the space inside,
as if radar,
like thumping on a watermelon to see if it’s ripe.
It’s easy.

when you can do this
an interesting thing happens.
you can hit softer,
put more awareness into he strike,
and cause more damage.

It’s true.

And here is why:

you begin to believe in your punch,
and your belief is so strong
that your opponent believes in your punch.

It is so fascinating,
to ‘nick’ somebody with a punch,
and watch them feel the pain.

But you have to be very careful.

But the more you experience this
the more you believe
the stronger your punch gets
and the softer you punch
the more effect it has.


So keep hitting that bag,
build your reality,
but study the punch,
feel it,
build a belief in it,
after a bit of time,
not a great amount of time if you matrix,
your punches are going to be amazing!

Real gorilla stoppers.

Here’s all the data on punching…


have yourself a GREAT 4 of July,
do a bunch of extra work outs,
and celebrate the freedom
and the second amendment,
that allows us to practice our killing art.

Have a great work out!





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Knock Out Somebody with a Good Kung Fu Punch

Kung Fu Punch Knocks ’em All the Way Out!

If you would like to knock out someone Kung Fu is a great device, however it does take a bit of understanding.

Hardest punch

A Tight Fist is a Heavy Fist!


Initially, you can easily knock someone out with a Kung Fu punch to the body, and I in fact encourage it. I’ll go into that very first, and explain the very first knock out procedure.

85 % of the people toss a right hand to the face. This is generally an ill become pregnant round home punch, and it is predictable and quickly stopped. So you establish for a really good, challenging punch to the face, then you drive a straight line to the intestine.

Mind you, this is a thrusting punch, and you wish to lock your arm and go all the way with the fellow.

Many fellows do not have exceptional conditioning, and so the body support system collapses, and they are down, and can also be entirely unconscious. It takes a heck of a wallop, however it can easily work. Practice driving your punch with a heavy bag every day for an hour. Get the idea that you can not be ceased. Watch the bag bounce away.

The additional and more confident knock out, is the punch to the head. When you punch the head you are attempting to rattle the mind inside the head. To in fact make it slosh from side to side so challenging it flattens out on the inside of the head, and the fellow you hit drops unconscious.

And, yes, you can easily thrust through the head, the same as if you thrust through the body.

However, the far better strategy is the light flick of the Kung Fu fist. It takes no energy, is mounted by a solitary clear and to the point notion, and it explains the ‘invisible punch,’ that Mohammed Ali made use of to knock out Sonny Liston. Individuals thought that the punch didn’t connect, that Liston took a dive, however, actually, Ali simply flicked a fist easily, you can easily see Liston’s head duck down somewhat, then he is merely falling.

To do this punch you need to be light and easy. You must hang a rate bag and float by it, and simply snap your hand like you were snapping a dish towel. You desire the bag to rattle from side to side like rocks in a can. The fellow will not see it coming, or he will definitely dismiss it as light in weight since there seems to be no mass behind it. However, when it connects, bingo, lights out!

In closing I will certainly point out that it takes work to make this kind of speed punch work, and I might advise that one find out ways to break bricks with excellent Kung Fu punches if they would like to truly master this Kung Fu trick.

First Time and Only Time I Ever Knocked Somebody Down with a Kung Fu Punch

Karate Punch Gets Me in Trouble!

A Kung Fu punch can be a poweerful thing. Proper Kung Fu training and you can shatter slabs of ice, stacks of boards and bricks, and even mutilate half ton bulls. You can also make bad errors, such as I will illustrate in this martial arts article.

kung fu punchI had been training for over two decades, pounding on the makiwara (punching board), practicingfreestyle with friends, and even writing martial arts books on what I had discovered in the martial arts. Interestingly, I had never actually used my martial arts on another human being. I knew I had a powerful punch, I had just never put it to the test.

I was in charge of a hotel in Los Angeles in one of the shabbier parts of town. One day I leased a room to a pleasant appearing fellow, and quickly learned that I had made a deal with the devil. This guy had a second business of selling illegal drugs. Now, aside from actual medical marijuana instances, because of my martial arts training I won’t put up with for drugs.

One sunny day I climbed the stairs and confronted the guy, and told him that he had to stop selling drugs. At first he wiggled around a it, tried to change the subject, but I kept after him. Finally, he just laughed at me, “The police don’t care what I do, there’s nothing you can do about it, so mind your own business.”

Shocked, I blurted, “I want you gone…now!” He just kept laughing at me. “It’ll take you a half a year to get me out of this apartment.”

The world suddenly went calm, and that is not a good thing, for it meant that I had been pushed too far. I dropped my body into an hourglass stance, power surged up my body and pulsed out my arms, and I hit him in the chest with two Kung Fu trained fists. What happened then blew me away.

Having never struck another person I had no clue what it would feel like, or about the back effects. First, I felt this enormous weight traveling back along my arms and through my body and down to the ground…it was much more mass and resistance than I had considered. Second, a long second later–that’s right, there was actually a delay before the effects of my Kung Fu strike were realized–he began to lift up and sail through the air.

He flew up and over the bed and smacked against the wall, and he slowly rose to a standing position, rubbing his chest his hands, his eyes wide open, “You can’t do that!” That just made me even more angry, and I started to cross the room towards him, then realized that he had told me something that I should be listening to, “Why not?” “Because I’ve got a friend in the closet!

I went to the closet door, opened it, and a nude man stood there shivering in terror. That’s right, the drug dealer was a homosexual, and his boyfriend had come to see him, and…what the heck had I just done? In using my Kung Fu punch I had abused my martial arts training, I had struck another human being, and was left with a very sick feeling in the pit of my stomache.