Category Archives: karate books

Using the Karate Kiai to Discover the True Power of Kotodama

Can Karate Kiai Actually Cause Death?

Karate Kiai is a Japanese idea meaning ‘spirit shout,’ and it is the deadly yell that karate practitioners scream when chopping an opponent’s head off. Well, maybe I went overboard with that description a bit, grin, but there is a truth to the karate yell that is unarguable and leads to some rather mysterious knowledge. I am referring to subject of Kotodama, or ‘Word spirit.’

martial arts yellThe notion behind a Karate kiai is to commit all  of ones energies into one moment, one karate technique, and thus to enhance the power of the strike. The idea of scaring a somebody is somewhat secondary, but not to be discounted. Both of these concepts lead to rather interesting belief systems and mysterious realities.

Kotodama is the practice of creating soothing sounds, which sounds can engender a more spiritual feeling in a person. There is, of course, the flip side, the bad word phenomena, in which a sound is used to hurt another person. Either way, kotodama results in the practice of kotomuke (soothing speech to bring peace), and kotoage, which is producing magic.

My first experience with kotodama came from a decades long study of karate, kung fu, and various internal martial arts. This gave direct experience with the power of screaming at an attacker and rendering him impotent. In one case I drew upon the karate kiai to vanguish a would be mugger…he turned around shambled down the street, his body shaking and shivering.

Experiences like this, which were brought about by the faithful repetition of karate patterns with correct attention to Karate kiai, brought me to a profound appreciation of the subject. Of interest in this is the way of speaking of salesmen and mentalists, and other individuals of that type. Watching how such people conducted themselves, the tones they employed, the pitch of sound they utilized, brought me to the notion that we are talking about vibration.

Vibration is generally understood to be the source of the universe. Between the notion of an Eternal Spirit and the solid life of objects (of which the universe is made), is vibration. This concept holds true on the atomic level of protons and electrons, and on the gigantic scale of spinning galaxies and whole universes.

What we are more interested in, however, are the vibrations we can make in our day to day lives. Is it possible to cause a vibration which can move the universe? The answer to this is as simple as the phenomena of an opera singer projecting a tone that cracks a glass.

The way of achieving this ability is just as simple. First, one has to realize, through the projection of virtue into their lives, that they are spiritual in nature, and that they can create vibrations which not only break glass, but which can shiver other objects, and, more easily, cause comfort or discomfort to their fellow humans. Second, one has to discover and follow exactly the disciplines which bring one to this ability…then the result is that a simple Karate kiai can translate into Kotodama can morph into a mystical spell or chant which has the power to harm or heal as one sees fit.


Martial Arts Test Your Knowledge And Be A Smarter Person!

The Great American Martial Arts Test!

This Martial Arts Test will let you know how smart you are in the martial arts. The questions go over a variety of martial arts, and instructions for finding out your grade are at the end. Write down the answer to each question, and have fun.

martial test

Discovering the Mysteries of the Universe!

Who was the Chinese movie star who was called ‘The Little Dragon?’  What was the important style of art learned by the founder of Aikido? What was the name of the brothers responsible for building a national chain of Chinese Kenpo Karate studios?

Who was the founder of the Chinese martial art wherein the students spends large amounts of time ‘walking the circle?’ Who was the first American President to take lessons in the art of Judo? What was the name of the movie that Bruce Lee didn’t complete before his death?

Which Karate system received the official blessing of Master Funakoshi to spread his teachings (it was not Shotokan)? What is the name of the World Taekwondo Headquarters (it is also the home of the World Taekwondo Academy)? Who was the Taekwondo master responsible for the martial arts in ‘Billie Jack?’

What is the name of the book written by the Japanese Samurai who killed sixty people and lived the last years of his life in a cave? What martial art trains one in the use of the martial arts weapon called a Parang? Who was the founder and owner of Black Belt magazine?

What length of time did it take Bill ‘Superfoot’ Wallace to earn his black belt? Which athlete did Bruce Lee watch the films of in a mirror to make sure he got the movements of on both sides? What was the name of the first book Ed Parker wrote on the martial arts (listed in wiki)?

Who was the CIA operative who wrote the first book on Shaolin to receive widespread attention in the US, and what was the name of the book that he wrote? What was the name of the first Kung Fu Movie to really make it big in the United States? Who was the Chinese actor to defeat a villain in a Chinese movie made in 1979, and then play that same villain in the American movie ‘Kill Bill?’

To find any answers you aren’t sure about do a google search. To figure out your results simply take the number of questions you answered correctly and divide by 18. Don’t worry if you didn’t do well on this martial arts test, for you now have the answers and are a smarter person.

martial arts rank

Learn Kung Fu: Five Methods Including Reversing The Matrix

Learn Kung Fu by Reversing the Matrix!

Tto learn Kung Fu or Karate, or to learn any martial art there are many methods. Unfortunately, most of these methods have limited workability. There is one method, however, that can be used in any art, and improves the learning curve drastically.

Most methods, you see, are based on monkey see monkey do, which is pretty much the oldest, and most inefficient, martial arts training method in existence, in history, and ever. The modern, state of the art method for learning a martial art is matrixing. No offense, but if you live in some backwoods place and haven’t heard of matrixing, you could probably do a quick google on matrix karate, or matrix kung fu, and find out what it is.

At any rate, there are some rather simple methods one can use if one decides to learn by Kung videos, learn taekwondo online, or whatever. The first method, though it is still of the monkey see monkey do variety, is to learn a form or martial arts kata. The learning curve starts to take off, however, when one realizes that they can practice the form facing in any of the four directions of the compass.

learn Kung Fu diagram

All Arts Are Part of the Same Puzzle--If You Can solve Them!

One faces in a certain direction when learning a form, maybe because they are watching a martial arts video, gets used to the direction, even uses key things in the environment to orient themselves. So to start facing north instead of south is actually a good thing. One quickly discards environmental cues and starts inputting the form without need for external reference points.

A second way to learn forms and self defense techniques is to simply do them on both the right and the left side. Everybody figures this one out pretty quickly in their training. To do Karate forms, or Kenpo techniques on both the right side and the left side of the body tends to ‘wake up the brain,’ and the student quickly considers martial arts moves in new ways.

The third way of studying martial arts forms is to perform them backwards. Do your Karate kata backwards-not just the sequence of blocks and strikes in reverse order, but to reverse motion the moves themselves-and you will find the mental capacity expanding geometrically. Not many people have seen this method, it is difficult to do, but man…does it work!

Now, we have actually left most people behind with the last method, and that’s too bad, because it is about to get juicy. Once one learns how to write a matrix on a martial arts, kung fu, karate, or whatever, they think they have opened up wide new vistas of martial arts techniques. They have only scratched the surface, however, for there are two other things one can do that are simple and easy and yet have profound impact.

First, one can put matrixes together; just as the matrixes use basic techniques to open up other techniques, one can use whole matrixes to open up other matrixes. Second, one can actually flip, or reverse, matrixes, and this one opens up the mind and causes massive amounts of data to unfold. Of course, one has to learn how to write a matrix first, and then do a few of them, but once they have done this they will be able to reverse the matrix and learn martial arts faster; they will be able to learn Kung Fu or taekwondo or any martial art they want faster than Neo can play hop scotch.

Learn Martial Arts, learn Karate or Kenpo or whatever, by using the fastest and most efficient training method in existence. Mouse to Monster Martial Arts.

Free Martial Arts Book Merry Christmas!

Got a great Martial Arts Book Offer for you.

It’s my way of wishing Merry Christmas to every Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, Scientologist, or whatever religion you happen to be. This is a special day for somebody somewhere, so we should all party, we should all be glad that somebody has found an excuse to be kind on this war torn, economically deprived, stupid planet.

It’s not your particular special day? Tough. Party anyway, and pray, chant, light a candle for world peace.

Screw the politicians…let’s have fun!

Click here for my Xmas gift…

Martial Science of Neutronics Handles the Mugger!

Martial Science or Martial Art?
Martial Science is what it is,
but everybody thinks it is a Martial Art.
So what is the science behind the science?
What is the Neutronics behind Matrixing?
Matrixing is the analysis and handling of force and direction.
it is the analysis of the direction of force
so that you can handle it.
Neutronics is the study of motion.
martial artsOr,
to be precise,
it is the study of motion
from a fixed position.
Neutronics is based on three things
Protonic (going towards),
Electronic (going away),
Neutronic (nothing happens).
There is nothing else.
a guy is walking down the street
and nothing is really happening.
There’s nobody around,
he’s alone,
nothing is happening.
a mugger appears,
does our hero go protonic or electronic?
Fight or flight,
our hero decides to be smart
and starts running.
But the mugger runs faster.
So our hero must zig and zag
and do everything in his power
to make sure
that distance doesn’t close.
He can’t run away,
he doesn’t want to run towards,
so he must maintain distance,
he must make sure that…
‘nothing happens.’
But it is a different level of ‘nothing happening.’
Our hero must control the universe
through his protonic or electronic maneuverings
to create ‘nothing happening.’
Can you do this?
Can you study enough martial arts
so that you have enough knowledge
so that you are creating ‘nothing happening’
and enjoying it?
The mugger is swinging a club and screaming,
and you are laughing and playing.
so you don’t have a mugger coming at you.
the boss wants to cut your pay
the wife is so irritated she is burning the potatoes,
and the kids are playing with junkies in school…
can you move towards or away
from each of these people
in such a  manner that
not only do you laugh and play,
but they start to laugh and play?
That is neutronic.
That is maintaining a distance
so that everybody wins.
That is real Martial Arts,
that is knowing the martial arts so well
that they take over your life,
and that is going Neutronic.
And a correct study of the Martial Arts
is the only way to do this.
the sequence is this.
you must learn enough martial arts
so that you have a discipline to hold yourself firm,
that you become a fixed position in space.
you must matrix those martial arts
so they make sense
and become intuitive.
you must understand how to use Neutronics.
you must understand one and two
so well
that you no longer need the physical,
that you can just use the mental
to do your analysis and handling
of force and direction
and control the universe.
This is how you play with the mugger
get the boss to laugh while he gives you a raise
manipulate the wife’s irritation into joy
and go to the principle’s office because your son just beat up a drug dealer in school.
Okay, okay,
so maybe we missed it a bit on the kid,
it’s not a bad miss,
that’s Neutronics.
It is an actual science
based on the motions of the universe,
and it is the science
behind the science of matrixing.
You can check out Matrixing at
make sure you have enough martial arts discipline
to hold yourself firm,
and enough Matrixing to make it all logical.
Here’s the Matrix Karate course,
it has the basic Matrixing tables,
and the core theory to matrixing,
and will fix any other martial art.
All you have to do is take the matrixing tables
and plug your art into them.
And if you want to start your matrixing
in another art,
that’s okay, too.
Study what interests you.
That’s about it,
not much more to  say,
and it’s time to go work out.
Next newsletter is the infamous,
Monster Night Before Christmas,
so i’ll talk to you then.
(Don’t miss the Monster Night Before Christmas! Sign up for the Monster Martial Arts Newsletter at…where else…Monster Martial Arts!)
This has been a blog about Martial Science.
martial art

Your Martial Art Doesn’t Work, And Then The Hells Angel Showed Me

A Martial Art and a Hells Angel

outlaw martial art

I had studied Chinese Kenpo Karate for two years. I was an instructor, and I had written the training manual for my school.Then I ran into a Hells Angel.

The story actually started when the restaurant I was working at hired a geeky looking kid. I didn’t like him much, but then one day I saw him kick a wall. The wall shook like the 1906 earthquake, and I knew that he knew something I didn’t.

So I got to know him, and he said he studied Kang Duk Won Korean Karate. He said he didn’t know it well, which I found hard to believe because I had seen him kick a wall harder than a donkey kicks a pervert. He said, however, that his brother knew a lot more than him, and let’s go talk to him.

So that night we drove to Sunnyvale to meet his brother. As we pulled up Alex turned to me and said, “I should tell you that my brother is a Hells Angel.” I blinked, but, heck…I knew Chinese Kenpo Karate, right?

His brother was just under six feet tall, a little shorter than me, but he had the outlaw look in his piercing eyes. We talked about Karate for a while, and then he stated, “Your Martial Art doesn’t work.” He twisted two of the gnarliest fists I had ever seen into my shirt and told me to work my best technique on him.

I went into action. I locked his fists with one hand and brought my other hand up to break his elbows, I struck his wrists with my radial paralyzing downward chop, and when I went to chop him in the throat he threw me through a wall. Yep, all the way through a wall.

He laughed and gave me a hand up, and then he told me to grab his shirt front. I did, and he showed me the self defense technique that he learned at the Kang Duk Won. He reached over and popped a fist into my chest so hard that…that’s right, I went through the wall.

This is a true story, and being tossed through a wall twice changed my life, definitely changed the way I was learning martial arts, and prompted me down the road to other martial arts and how to really make them work. I spent over a half dozen years at the Kang Duk Won Korean Karate school, worked alongside all manner of people, including hells angels and other outlaw bikers. Included in my education was why a martial art doesn’t work.

The things that martial arts instructors add to their martial art, the slant towards tournaments and making money, there’s no end to the gimmicks that have messed up the art. That’s why I came up with Matrixing, so martial arts instructors could fix all that kind of stuff. Click to Monster Martial Arts and see what I came up with.

The Hard Punch Of Flux Theory Is The Secret Of An Empty Strike

Hardest punch

A Tight Fist is a Heavy Fist!

If martial artists really want to know how to punch hard they have to study Flux Theory. Flux Theory is the study of the flow of energy, and is specific to the martial arts. Except for a few mystical concepts, Flux Theory is rarely understood.

The Flow of Energy has two directions, and these would be positive or negative. Of course, this is a matter of viewpoint. For the transfer of energy from one person to the next is a flow and the viewpoint of positive or negative will change depending on who is looking at it.

When energy flows towards somebody it is generally referred to as positive. When energy flows away from somebody it is generally referred to as negative. To create the hard punch of Flux Theory one must strike with negative energy.

What this means is that the strike is flowing towards someone in a positive manner, but the energy in the arm flows away from the fist. I know this sounds contrary, but it isn’t, it is the idea of relaxing until the arm is limp and relaxed, and that while striking. Thus, you are striking somebody with an arm in which the concept of life has been removed.

I know that sounds bizarre, but it isn’t. The whole notion occurs in your head, you see. You take the consideration of life out of the limb when striking.

What occurs is that when you take the consideration for life out of your punching limb, you make your arm into an ‘inanimate object.’ Thus, you are not throwing a fist at another human being, you are throwing a ‘stick,’ a lump, an object with no consideration for what it hits.

And that means you are punching the other person without consideration for him as a human being. You don’t worry about the sanctity of life, you just throw an inanimate object at them. This works better and better as you become more able to move your awareness back out of your body.

The reason this works is because people normally don’t want to hurt other people, so they put energy in the arm so that shock can be absorbed by the arm. Hit, hit, hit…and there is no damage because the arm absorbs it all. When the arm is an empty stick, however, and you have lost the desire to ‘not hurt’ your fellow man, the energy is transmitted purely and the effect on the opponent is the hard punch of Flux Theory.

the hardest punch

What is a Karate Sensei Trying to Teach?

Not many people understand what a real Karate sensei is trying to teach. Too often people sign up for a karate lesson, learn to bow and call the teacher Sensei, and don’t even know what the word means. This is true not just of karate, but of other martial arts, such as Kenpo or Kung Fu. To understand what the word sensei means, however, is to change the student’s mind about what the martial arts are all about.

In Japan there is a three year ‘task’ for monks during their training. During this time they must live by the kindness of their fellow man. They sit in places where people pass by and hold their cups out and beg without speaking.

One of the places for these monks is at crossroads. People travel by, flip a coin in the cup, and walk on. And, occasionally, people ask where a destination is.

The monk, who after a time of living in such a manner looks rather shabby, merely extends his finger and points down the road. Thus, the word sensei means: ‘He who points the way.’ And this term has been taken and used by people who are guiding others to a specific destination.

Now, the unfortunate fact is that many martial arts instructors don’t understand this. Martial Arts have exploded across civilization so fast that proper teachings have been all but forgotten. Thus, many karate sensei are in it solely for the ‘domination factor.’

Thus, real teachings are put aside, and the teaching method has been geared for the person who wishes to control people. But a real martial arts teacher doesn’t control people; he teaches martial arts. And there is a huge and vast difference between these two things.

The fellow who teaches people is looking for money, to dominate, to make sure he is the leader of the pack. The fellow who teaches martial arts doesn’t care about being leader of the pack, he just wants to give information that will lead the student down the correct path. The question is…what is the correct path?

A martial art teacher who lacks understanding will point to trophies, to being in charge, to winning no matter what the cost is. A martial art instructor who has not journeyed upon the way himself will push people, call for discipline, and make people monkey see monkey do what he is showing them, no matter that he doesn’t understand it himself. A true Karate sensei gives the teachings, then removes himself from the path of the student.

Fortunately, there is a course that is not monkey see monkey do, but actually works the way old time martial arts instruction. Karate sensei everywhere, if they want to be true to the art, should look to the Martial Arts Instructor Course at Free Martial Arts Online.

How to Start Your Own Martial Arts School

Make a Few Extra bucks with a Martial Arts School

In this modern age, with the economy crumbling, with war clouds looming on the horizon, with everybody shrieking doom and gloom, there has never been a better time to star a martial art school.
Heck, you get dollars, often liquid dollars, just for helping people get in better shape, sharpening up their minds, and teaching them some rather fun karate lessons about how to take apart a human body. One would hope, of course, that your martial arts student wouldn’t have to take apart a human body.
But, better to be prepared than sorry.
Here’s a short video on how to teach, you can check out the whole series if you follow the links. I’ll tell you more about starting your own karate dojo or Kung Fu kwoon right below it.

Now, first thing is to make sure you know the martial arts. You should have a black belt, at least, and the more martial arts systems you know, the better off you will be.
Second, you need to go to college for eight years to get a teacher’s certificate, and…no you don’t!
Here’s the funny thing, you don’t need a teacher’s license or anything like that to teach Karate or Taekwondo or any other art. All you need is the knowledge.
You see, nobody really teaches people how to teach the martial arts. They just take it for granted that if you earned a black belt then you can teach.
And, the ‘official’ martial arts schools that say they train teachers, they don’t have any teacher program, no special knowledge, they just let you teach people for a while, assume you know what you are doing, then grant you a diploma. Of course, that cert might cost you a few bucks, might cost a lot of time, but, in truth, it doesn’t mean you have any special knowledge.
The most special knowledge I have ever seen, for teachers in such arts as Jujitsu, kung fu, or other arts, is that they went to boot camps where they were put through the wringer to get tougher. Tougher doesn’t make smarter; tougher doesn’t make a teacher.
Anyway, if you want to start your own martial arts school, if you want some actual information, some actual specialized and accurate knowledge concerning how to teach the martial arts, let me know. I’ll send you a free martial arts book on how to start your own school. You have to ask for the ‘Start Your Own Martial Arts School’ book. I get a lot of email, and you have to be specific or I won’t know what you want. My address is


I made a deal with Denny over at Karate Supply. He gave me a code to pass on. Order anything you want, put this code in when you check out, and you get a percent off! I’m not sure how much, but it is worth looking into. So if you need a new uniform, weapons, anything at all…go to and type in the code AC789, and get your discount. On anything…on everything…NO LIMIT!