Tag Archives: kung fu

Karate Breaking Will Smash a Man’s Skull!

Break that Sucka!

Karate Breaking Techniques were the rage back in 1967. This was because Karate, and other martial ars like Kung Fu and Taekwondo were new to the land. Nobody knew anything back then, and darn, if you could break a board…why, you could break a man’s skull!

There are some interesting things about a skull, and let me preface this article on karate breaking methods with a rather fascinating datum.

karate breaking technique

It takes Great Karate technique to break a skull!

While a skull is hard and rigid, it is easy to break. To prove this take an egg out of your refrigerator, hold it in your palm, and…without using the fingers!…squeeze.

As hard as you squeeze, that egg is going to laugh at you.

Now, use your fingers, and clean up the gooey mess. If you squeeze a skull it ain’t gonna break. If you poke it soft enough, it will. How soft? Fifteen pounds of pressure per square inch is enough to break a skull.

There are a lot of variables, of course. The skull bone differs in thickness. Hair cushions. And so on. Which puts the real force required somewhere between 16 and 196 pounds. Hit a fellow in the side of the skull, right behind and above the eyes, and the bone is thin, and it might take only 15 pounds of pressure to break that puppy. But thee are some places where the bone is thick and the pressure could take 200 pounds easy.

But, that said, a karate strike, properly done, will range from 300 to 400 pounds of pressure. That should be more than enough to crack up a skull.

So what stops a skull from being cracked when a karate punch is applied to it?

First, a skull in motion is harder to break than a skull in place.

A karate punch will frequently glance off a head moving frantically out of the way. In other words, you have to have the intended target hold still so that a perfect karate strike can be focused exactly if you wish to increase your breaking chances.

Second, speaking of moving out of the way, if a surface is pliable it will resist breaking much more than a surface that is rigid. This is to say that a skull being karate kicked will move back, thus dissipating force; which is to say that if you want to do your karate breaking techniques on a human style head, it would be nice if that skull would lay down on a concrete surface with no give.

And, speaking of karate breaking techniques, we come to the juice of this martial arts article. If you want to break a cranium, you need to practice your martial arts breaking techniques on similar objects first.

Start with Karate board breaking.

To build your break a board technique, start with one board. Number two pine, an inch thick, 12 by 12.

Once successful, go to two boards, three boards, and so on.

And, do not put pencils between the boards. Putting pencils at the edges creates space in the material being broken, and while a bunch of boards makes it look like karate breaking is awesome, the truth is that you can only break five or six boards with no spacers, but you can break up to 20 boards with spacers.

So be honest. Don’t go for the yell of the crowd at a karate breaking demonstration…go for the inner satisfaction of being able to break only a piddling five or six boards with no spacers. This presents the question of whether you wish to impress impressionable young minds, or build your inner strength of character.

And, speaking of honest board breaking techniques, don’t go leaving your boards out in the sun for a few days prior to your breaking exhibition. Dried boards break easier than regular boards. Like kindling, as a matter of fact.

But, on the same token, don’t let your boards get wet before you break them. Your iron hand kung fu technique will turn into mushy hospital visitation rights.

And, that is about all there is to breaking boards, and, if you insist, upon karate breaking human skulls.

But…if you wish to do karate breaks on skulls, let me offer the obligatory caution: detached retinas, brain hemorrhage, fractured bones, and permanent neurological disorders. All of which translates to slurred and halting speech, let alone cauliflower ears and big, old puffy noses and…over 6 deaths a year in the boxing ring.

So practice your karate breaking technique, and do it for real, as if you really had to break a skull, but settle for perfection of character by resisting the urge to violence.

Here is an hilarious anecdote about a fellow who knocked himself out with karate breaking techniques. If you want to actually learn Karate well enough to break skulls, click on Matrix Karate at Monster Martial Arts.

Here’s a great article on Karate Breaking Techniques. If you want to start work on really advanced Karate, here’s a book on how to Build Chi Power.

Teaching the True Art of Karate

Spreading the True Martial Arts

I want to talk about something,
not everybody might like it,
but it has to do with growing the martial arts,
and growing your income.

here is the straight skinny,
the country is having probs,
incomes are down,
and wouldn’t you like to have a few extra bucks?
wouldn’t it be nice if those few extra bucks
came from teaching Karate?

teaching martial arts

Learning Karate Changes Even Bullies

It’s one of my pet projects,
encouraging people to teach.
The thing is
there are a lot of teachers out there,
many aren’t really qualified.
They might have credentials
from big name organizations,
but that doesn’t mean they have the knowledge.
It takes a precise knowledge
of how to teach Karate.
I discovered this with one of my first black belts.
He went out and started teaching,
and when I got over to look at his karate class,
he was teaching calisthenics.
There were a few martial arts thrown in,
and he was good,
but he opted for teaching…calisthenics.
Push ups, sit ups,
a few kicks,
running around the room.
as an after thought,
he might teach a karate self defense move.

why he did this,
I don’t know.
But I do know that I checked on his school a couple of decades later,?when it was under one of his students,
and it had gone to full contact karate.
fighting and…calisthenics.

I understand that martial arts change,
especially when people don’t understand the underlying reasons.
I can only conclude
that the degradation of his karate school
was my fault.
I taught him,
I was young,
I hadn’t figured it out,
I taught him well,
he was good,
but…he didn’t understand the underlying reasons,
so his school degraded,
didn’t die,
just degraded to the point
where it was teaching people how to fight.

I offer underlying reasons,
and I try to fix schools that have degraded.
I encourage people to teach karate, and other martial arts.
I know that the people who have done my martial arts courses
are going to understand why a technique is,
how it works,
more important,
how to get the student to understand.

Want to know something interesting?
I’ve got a book
‘How to Start Your Own School,’
and when somebody write me and asks me about teaching,
I usually give them that book for free.
It’s part of the Master books,
I could sell it Kindle for a few books
(and I probably will)
but I give it away to people who say they want to teach.

the difference between man and beast is the fact that man understands.
Animals don’t.
They just fight,
and make up a reason for fighting.
Silly animals.

the point of this rant is that if you are hurting economically,
a victim of the money crunch happening in this country,
you can do something about it.
You could order the Master Instructor Course,
do it,
know that you know more than ANY martial arts instructor on the planet,
and then you could head down to the YMCA,
see if they need a karate instructor.
You can put up cards at a local gym.
You could gather a bunch of neighborhood kids.

You can start out low,
$10 a month for kids,
you can go high,
charge good bucks at the gym.

Be it Karate or kung fu,
aikido or pa kua,
or whatever,
and using the data that is inside
The Master Instructor Course,
you could teach that art better than it has been taught
since whoever founded it was teaching.

Spare time.
Saturday afternoon.

You could build it into something large!

Do you understand?
The martial arts are a blessing.
They make people better.
They make strong bodies,
increase awareness,
and they are a fist in the face of the bad guys.
But we need people who understand what they really are.

Oinky Donkey.
I hope my rant has helped.
I don’t want you poor,
and I want everybody healthy and happy,
So…think about it.

Let make a couple of other announcements
before I close off.

I’ve got a new site up.
It’s about Bruce Lee.
Can you find it through google?
It’ll be tough,
but it’s out there.
Next week or two
it’ll be easy to find,
but right now…
can you find it?

we’re waiting on word of escrow
for Monkeyland.
120 acres on a hilltop,
and start building a temple.
And I will let you know as soon as this thing comes true.
Pics and everything.
you’ll be blown away.
incredible site.

I almost forgot.

If you have a website,
or a functioning blog,
let’s trade links.
I’ve got three different sites
that are chunking pretty traffic,
a link might bring you a little traffic,
and google likes links,
so they might send you traffic.
Just email me at aganzul@gmail.com
and ask about linking up.

now that is it.
You guys and gals
enjoy the heck out of this week.
Have lots of work outs,
do what you want to do,
and live life like you were meant to!


And don’t forget to go to…


This has been a page about teaching karate…and other martial arts.

How to Lose Reaction Time When You Do Kung Fu

Reaction time, when you do kung fu, is a fascinating monster. I say monster because it is the one thing people have that they should get rid of. It is one thing that can get you killed faster than a bomb in the diapers.

Reaction time is reaction, which means that it is something occurring after something else has happened. Do you understand what this means? If you possess reaction time, you are moving second and behind whoever is launching a punch at your face.

Now you are forced to move, and this because of the attacker’s move, rather than in keeping with what you want to do. That means you are the target, and you must get out of the way, build a good block, or whatever. It means you are not doing what you want to do.

The easiest way to understand this situation is if there is attacker A on the A spot. And a defender B on the B spot. And a third spot, maybe off to the left, which we will label spot C.

The time it takes A to move to B, B can move to C. But B MUST move at the same time. If B moves after A, then he is going to get clocked.

And, if B moves because of something he learned in a class, or because of an exercise, or because of anything else, then it is like he is moving yesterday. B must watch A ‘in this moment,’ and he must move as he wishes and not because of what A wishes. This is the only way for B to actually live to fight another day.

There is, oddly enough, how A sees this situation, and of actually being able to hit somebody. If you have seen how many misses there are in the mixed Martial Arts fights, then you will understand what I am saying. Simply, A is punching to where B is, but B is no longer in that spot.

In other words, for A to actually strike his opponent, he must strike not to where B is, because B is going to move, and spot B is where he used to be. And he must not attempt to change mid strike, for that will destroy his base and take power out of the strike. The trick is merely to understand and analyze the one sentence: in the time A attempts to move to B, B can move to C.

In summation, let me say that many people talk about timing and slipping strikes and that sort of thing, but they usually don’t really understand the equation I have given you here. To understand this equation-in the time A moves to B, B moves to C-you should write it out, along with every fight situation you can imagine, on a piece of paper. No matter what martial art you study, Kenpo, Kung Fu, Aikido, or whatever, this piece of data will enable you to shorten and even get rid of your reaction time, and elevate your martial art to a much higher level.

Real Shaolin and the Fight with Beavis and Butthead

The Case for Real Shaolin Kung Fu

I practice real Shaolin Kung Fu, and the rest of the world doesn’t.

Don’t you just love a knucklehead statement like that? I mean, the fellow who makes it has broken rule number one: he thinks he is the only one, and therefore he is knee deep in loco.

shaolin kung fu
That said, let me give you a rundown on real Shaolin Kung Fu, and what the rest of the world is practicing.

If you are learning a tradition with respect, no matter who the teacher is, no matter what the argument is between form and function, you are learning real Shaolin kung fu. And, hey, while we’re at it, this statement extends to other styles of Kung Fu, such as wing chun, hung gar, preying mantis, or whatever.

And, to put it another way…are you learning, or are you fighting?

Now, here comes the part where I offend people. The UFCers and the MMAers are fighting, so they are not doing a martial art. They are doing a martial sport.

A lot of people get upset with me when I say something like this, they take it as a personal attack,and then explain how their school is different.

And that is the dividing point, is their school teaching, or is it promoting fighting?

It is a simple question, with a simple answer, and Beavis and Butthead can’t answer it.

You know Beavis and Butthead? They are the fellows with bad grammar who go to forums and sites and drop comments like UR STOOPID! (note the misspelling), and F*** U! (No asterisks)

Brilliant fellows these, and they don’t study real Shaolin kung fu. They study ca ca humor and eat with their mouth open and it’s really important who won the fight.

But it’s not important who won the fight. What’s importnat is whethere an individual is actually learning, becoming more disciplined and aware, exploring the manifestations of spirituality that a human being is.

The real fight, you see, is not between the gladiators in the ring, it is between the edification of the human spirit, and the degradation of the human meatball.

That’s why I study real Shaolin kung fu, and that is the dividing line one must find in their own art if they are to win the martial art war.

Slow Martial Arts for Fast Martial Arts Students

Slow Martial Arts make for Fast Minds

I hear people, every once in a while, speak derogatorily of ‘slow martial arts’ like Tai Chi Chuan, Pa Kua, and that type of art. It’s not often, mostly just Beavis and Butthead types on youtube or etc.

slow martial arts

The fact of the matter is that it takes a lot of muscle to hold the limb up, or the body in a tai chi pose. This creates a unique type of strength I call ‘suspended strength,’ or ‘suspended energy.’

Of course, the Chinese masters of Tai Chi tend to call it all Chi, and they wouldn’t be wrong, but Chi tends to be a catchbasket phrase that describes too much stuff.

Even if I am slightly off in my definition, at least it separates the data into recognizable pieces.

The real kick on this slow martial arts thing is that after you have practiced long enough, you turn into a real fast martial arts practitioner. All that suspended energy becomes real usable.

It’s interesting, the explosive energy, the fahjing stuff, is incredibly fast and efficient. I think Karate has more fast, but the Chinese are more efficient, and the training methods are more body friendly.

Two peoples, two different methods, how fun.

And, not to change subject, just to slide off a bit, the Tai Chi Chuan does seem to elongate life span, make for better health. I think the Okinawans have a longer life span, but they likely have a better diet than the Chinese. It’s an interesting thing comparing and contrasting the various martial arts and martial artists and styles.

If you really want to compare and contrast, however, you need to matrix things. It’s the only martial science in the world that teaches you how to combine martial arts.

Karate and Tai Chi are basically the same, but the confusion over terms, jealous instructors, small minded students, they make it difficult.

Look, algebra is mathematics, and there are ways to combine them. The same holds true for the various martial arts. Unless you have opposing concepts, like the linear stances of shotokan karate and the circular hands of Chinese kenpo, almost everything can be made to fit together. It’s just a matter of knowing how, of knowing the devious little, hard to figure out tricks. But those are all in the first matrixing course, Matrix Karate.

Anyway, I have gone too far afield, this has been a page about about slow martial arts and fast martial arts students, and you have a great day.


Flash Mob Karate!

Flash Mob Karate Techniques!

I love the idea of getting caught in a flash mob and having to use Karate.
A flash mob is basically a bunch of people who decide, apparently spur of the moment, that everything in the store is free. So fifty kids all start grabbing stuff and run out the door.

flash mob karate

Do you think Bruce Lee would have stood for Flash Mobs?

Now, the kids need a spanking. That is obvious. But how do you administer one without getting caught?

Well, when the kid runs by, holding a bunch of candy in his gluttonous arms, you stick out a foot and trip him. With all the commotion, and the cameras generally being up high, there is little chance that your foot will be seen.

Then, you act like somebody tripped you, and you fall on him. And make sure you do a breakfall, with your elbow point. Okay, maybe that is a little vicious. But you could breakfall with the forearm and give him an extra strength headache.

Mind you, I am not talking permanent damage.

THere is something I want you to think about, however. These kids are breaking the law, and if a few of them show up at school with their nose all bent, or two puffed and shut eyeballs, they are going to think twice.

What, we’re supposed to wait for the police?

Look, at the first sign of cops the kids all drop everything and say they didn’t do anything. The cops don’t want to bother with the arrest, the parents are at the station house screaming, and the merchant ends up going out of business.

So don’t beat somebody up, don’t commit a crime, just let your feet get accidentally tangled, and then make sure you breakfall when you hit the ground. Oops. Sorry, sonny. I’ll watch out better next time I fall down on a thief.

Remember, don’t deliberately hurt anybody, you don’t want to become the criminal. But, a little flash mob karate at the right time and place and you’ll be doing the world a favor.

Learn Zombie Kung Fu Now and Kill the Living!

Zombie Kung Fu is the Deadliest Martial Art!

I bet that if I started a zombie kung fu school I would get fabulously wealthy. I could teach all the secret martial arts techniques that the undead use to rip the living heart out of some fool who can’t run very fast. I could teach people the secret monster karate techniques that…maybe I better get to the point?

monster karate

You Think You Know Crazy?

My wife was sure that I was destroying my sons’ fragile, eggshell minds. We would sit for hours and watch monster movies. And then I would teach them martial arts.

What she didn’t know was that we were studying several key points which were crucial to understanding the martial arts. The main point was the use of wires and make up. Understand these two things and it will change the way you think about the martial arts, and it will even undo the harmful effects of Hollywood scripting.

First, we would spend hours analyzing how Hollywood did its effects. How did that zombie jump from one roof to the next? The answer, we would find, would be a crane with a wire, or a blue screen and a ramp pasted onto the background.

This led to attempts to duplicate certain feats, with me holding onto the belt, placing a hand under the back, or otherwise seeing if something could be done. Interestingly, this led to the boys appreciating the need for spotters and proper instruction before attempting those things they do on TV and warn you not to do.

The second thing was makeup, and while we didn’t start roaming the neighborhood in monster drag, we did get in severe analysis of how make up could be used to enhance slaughter. If you bent the head a certain way, put a metal plate against the throat, you could explode a small charge and make it look like a throat was blowing out. Wild.

And, the method for inserting arrows, knives, bullets, or whatever the projectile of your choice into the body part of your choice was interesting. This led to analysis of whether the body would react the way it did under impact. Interesting, to say the least.

I know this is an odd article, and I know that people will not like me for the way I raised my kids. But my kids are not fooled by Hollywood, don’t get upset by fake blood, appreciate good film making, know that no actors were harmed in the filming of this movie, and understand better how reality works. So I think you better learn a little Zombie Kung Fu, that way maybe you’ll survive when the zombies come for you.

Martial Arts Test Your Knowledge And Be A Smarter Person!

The Great American Martial Arts Test!

This Martial Arts Test will let you know how smart you are in the martial arts. The questions go over a variety of martial arts, and instructions for finding out your grade are at the end. Write down the answer to each question, and have fun.

martial test

Discovering the Mysteries of the Universe!

Who was the Chinese movie star who was called ‘The Little Dragon?’  What was the important style of art learned by the founder of Aikido? What was the name of the brothers responsible for building a national chain of Chinese Kenpo Karate studios?

Who was the founder of the Chinese martial art wherein the students spends large amounts of time ‘walking the circle?’ Who was the first American President to take lessons in the art of Judo? What was the name of the movie that Bruce Lee didn’t complete before his death?

Which Karate system received the official blessing of Master Funakoshi to spread his teachings (it was not Shotokan)? What is the name of the World Taekwondo Headquarters (it is also the home of the World Taekwondo Academy)? Who was the Taekwondo master responsible for the martial arts in ‘Billie Jack?’

What is the name of the book written by the Japanese Samurai who killed sixty people and lived the last years of his life in a cave? What martial art trains one in the use of the martial arts weapon called a Parang? Who was the founder and owner of Black Belt magazine?

What length of time did it take Bill ‘Superfoot’ Wallace to earn his black belt? Which athlete did Bruce Lee watch the films of in a mirror to make sure he got the movements of on both sides? What was the name of the first book Ed Parker wrote on the martial arts (listed in wiki)?

Who was the CIA operative who wrote the first book on Shaolin to receive widespread attention in the US, and what was the name of the book that he wrote? What was the name of the first Kung Fu Movie to really make it big in the United States? Who was the Chinese actor to defeat a villain in a Chinese movie made in 1979, and then play that same villain in the American movie ‘Kill Bill?’

To find any answers you aren’t sure about do a google search. To figure out your results simply take the number of questions you answered correctly and divide by 18. Don’t worry if you didn’t do well on this martial arts test, for you now have the answers and are a smarter person.

martial arts rank

Dog Kung Fu Proves That Women Can Be Very Nasty Fighters!

Dog Kung Fu is one of those exotic martial arts that one hears rumors of but...nah, that can’t exist. That’s a comic book art! But, truth, it not only exists, it is mean and snarly like, well, like a junk yard dog!

Perhaps use of the phrase junk yard dog is unwarranted here, for the art, though down and dirty, is also elegant. And, it was created by woman! And it really is unfair to refer to a woman as a junkyard dog, right?

History traces Dog boxing back to the White Lotus Nunnery in the east of QuanZhou. A nun, SiYueDaShi, is said to have spread the art of dog boxing. Though it is not a wide spread art, it is a long lasting art, and this because it is so effective.

There are two specific hallmarks of this fighting discipline. One, it trains the student to relax, this so the rigorous training will not result in injuries. Two, it trains the kung fu student to bind without getting bound.

Binding refers to the practicing of trapping or locking an opponent. So binding without getting bound refers to traps and locks, without getting trapped or locked. Definitely something the best martial artist will want to know!

Interestingly, the term binding also refers to the practice of binding women’s feet in old China. A woman so bound would not be able to float like a butterfly, but would rather have to fall to the floor and rely on whole body movements to trip and wrap and tie an opponent up. This interesting similarity of term may be at the root of why a nun would be credited with teaching and spreading the art.

A Dishu Quan class usually consists of extensive stretching and and leg lifting and squatting. Second is a series of patterns (martial arts forms) and two person exercises. Thirdly, is a series of rolling, diving and coiling exercises.

There are more things than just what are listed here, quite a bit, for the art is very full featured. It is also very intense, for the practice is, often as not, done on concrete floors! Thus, the saying concerning Dog Kung Fu…‘The Hardship of Dog Boxing.’

Drop by MonsterMartialArts.com. Pick up a free Martial Arts ebook on the home page.

Win a Street Fight Using One of These Three Karate Techniques!

I have used these three karate techniques for decades, and I find them invaluable. In fact, I am one hundred per cent sure that these are the three martial arts techniques you must master if you want to win a street fight…and I mean any street fight.

matrix of blocksMind you, I figured these things in tournaments years ago, and they can be used in tournaments, but only if you use proper control. Use them on the street however, defend your life, and you must use them full out.

The first technique is to break the fingers when you are closing in. Many people will have open hands, not always, but enough to where this technique should be paid attention to. So when you close the distance, assuming you are not kicking first, you must slap down on his fingers with a backfist. If you can break his fingers he will rethink everything, and he will have one hand that is pretty much useless.

Second thing, goes right along with breaking fingers, is to force his hands (arms) down. Push them downward, so they are trapped and he can’t use them, and you are going to have a heck of an advantage. This is actually the theory behind Bruce Lee’s famous ‘Straight Blast.’ He would literally ruin at people, sprint at them, shooting punches so that they rode over the arms and forced them down, so that his punches would be unimpeded on the way to the face.

Third, make him blink his eyes. This fits right in with the shooting motion of the hands as you go for broken fingers and trapping hands. If you can shoot the fingers to the eyes, and hit the eyes, then you are going to be fighting somebody who is blind. What could be sweeter, eh?

But even if you don’t manage to blind the mugger, if he blinks his eyes, thinks backward in his mind, then he will be pulling your strikes to his face and not even thinking about defending himself, or even countering. Now, these techniques I discovered in tournaments many decades ago. And you can still use them, but be careful. You don’t want to break your partner’s fingers, but you do want to slap his hands down. And you don’t want to blind him, but you do want him to blink his eyes.

So practice these karate techniques, learn how to use them, and you will never lose a street fight.