Tag Archives: tai chi chuan

Bagua Zhang Technique is Simple to Use!

Bagua Zhang Technique is Too Simple!

Bagua Zhang Technique is an easy thing to learn and simple to apply. The problem is that they might actually be to simple.

Too simple to learn because most people don’t have the discipline of mind, the mental ability, to make Bagua Zhang Martial Arts work. They get lost in the endless possibilities of intricacy, and lose sight of the simplicity.

bagua zhang techniques

Come on! All of you! At once! I know the best martial art!


When you walk the circle you must do so with an eye to developing Martial Arts Bagua Zhang Technique. These martial arts gems rely on one simple principle: the opponent must extend his arm, and the person doing the circle walking self defense must use the extended limb like a captain’s wheel. That is, he must turn the spoke, that the hub of the body would revolve.

If the punch is fast and hard, this is difficult to do, and what punch is not going to be fast?

The solution is to practice until you see the energy forming, until you see the punch generating, and then be willing and able to use whatever part of the arm you get.

For instance, the attacker launches a strike, and it is a short, circular type of jab. To make a bagua zhang technique work the student must go with the punch, let it pass, and push on the elbow, or even the shoulder.

This means you have to not only walk sideways, but you have to fine tune your distance, so that the opponent misses, passes, and is the right range for your push.

When you push you must not do so faster than the strike, nor slower. The best bagua zhang techniques are going to be the ones in which you harmonize with the motion, and therefore with the attacker.

Think: if he feels you touch him, he will resist, so if you use too much force he will change. But you don’t want him to change…you just want him to be slightly out of kilter, unable to follow up, at a slight disadvantage.

Now, what do you want to do? Continue your circle walking and tie him in knots? Spin him to the earth, circle the arm and reverse direction into a lock or takedown? These are all potential bagua fighting techniques, but the one you choose will depend on one thing: what is the most simple.

What is simple, that is what is difficult. You see, most people train to do something, but when you reach the point where you do nothing, then you can let the attacker guide you to his self destruction.

There is a phrase in The Tao: ‘Do nothing until nothing is left undone.’

Do you understand how this works with a bagua zhang techniques?

The point is that you must practice not the technique, but the concept behind the technique, then your kung fu will work, and then you will have the effortless Bagua Zhang technique that is easy and simple to do.

There is a great piece of writing on how to learn kung fu fast at Monster Martial Arts. Or you could just go to the ultimate bible on Bagua Zhang techniques.

Shaolin Kung Fu, from Choy Lee Fut to the Butterfly

Shaolin Kung Fu Spreads a New Set of Wings!

Shaolin Kung Fu is one of the oldest of the Martial Arts. It was started over two thousand years ago, endured through many changes, and is still important and powerful. The question we ask here is: can anything new be added to Shaolin Kung Fu?

The original Shaolin Kung Fu was started during the time of Buddha. Buddha came to the Shaolin Temple and began to instruct the Shaolin Monks in sacred texts. Unfortunately, the monks were of weak constitution. They fell asleep, they were easy targets for bandits, they just couldn’t cut it.

shaolin kung fu

Emblem of the Shaolin Butterfly

Buddha began instructing the monks in traditional exercises to help strengthen them. These were chi building exercises, and the things he was teaching them bears strong resemblance to martial arts drills. Thus, the exercises slowly transformed into forms and techniques that has come to be known as Shaolin Kung Fu. The bad guys in the area around the Shaolin Temple began to finding that the monks were no longer easy targets,and  began to depart the area.

Years passed, and Shaolin endured through many changes. Emperors came and emperors went, but Shaolin lasted, and people who learned the traditional Shaolin Kung Fu lessons came to be in great demand. They would leave the temple and teach the peasants how to protect themselves, train bodyguards how to fend off bandits, and even became involved in training warriors for war.

At last, the emperor had had enough, these Shaolin monks were causing too much trouble, and he ordered the temple destroyed.

Five monks managed to escape the destruction of the temple, and they began to teach martial arts on a broader level. Some of the styles that came about as a result of these monks were Northern Shaolin, Hung Gar, Wing Chun, and so on.

That brings us to the modern era, and the condition of modern Shaolin Kung Fu. While the art is alive and well in some areas, under the hands of dedicated instructors, all too often it has been transformed into tournament arts, flowery systems that mean little, and, of course, the Wu shu of the PRC, which is not true to the original Shaolin Kung Fu. This kung fu was made up by physical education coaches after the Great Revolution, and spread for the glory of the state; not because of a desire for understanding the spiritual teachings originally taught at the Shaolin Temple.

One of the modern systems of Shaolin, a trim and tight system that yet embraces the majority of the original teachings, is the Shaolin Butterfly. This martial art holds to the original principles, such as animal modes of fighting like the tiger, the dragon, the crane, and so on.

It is started with a study of six basic steps, which steps take on a twining, mixing personality, and which are then done upon standing bricks. Thus, the student has to keep balance, all while learning how to kick and strike, how to cling to an attacker, how to entrap and take down with a variety of locks and throws.

There is a science to this approach, a blessing of western culture, that augments the eastern origins, yet enables the student to learn much faster.

That is the history of Shaolin Kung Fu to present times, and while it is a rich history, it manages to sidestep the corruption of art due to influences such as tournaments, commercial interests, and so on.

Here’s a good bit of writing on Shaolin Kung Fu. If you would like to actually take lessons in this incredible art, check out the course at Monster Martial Arts.

Tai Chi Chuan Exercise for Building More Chi Energy

When it comes to building that thing called chi energy, tai chi kung fu is one of the best. What’s interesting is that the principles used in that martial art can be used in Karate, taekwondo, aikido, or whatever. The central principles being utilized, you see, are pretty universal.

One of the first practices one might find, if one finds a good tai chi chuan style, is ‘holding the bowl.’ This is an easy practice, at least for the first few minutes…smile. One simply goes into an hourglass position, back very slightly rounded, and holds the arms as if embracing a large pot.

chi projection

Try this Jedi Mind Trick!

The first challenge in this stance is that of the mental aspect. One’s mind starts to have thoughts, and these thoughts are a distraction. Once one has dedicated himself to getting past this phenomena, the mind thoughts start to disappear.

The second challenge in doing this drill is physical in nature. After sixty minutes or so, the body tends to get riled. It doesn’t want to run energy through it, it doesn’t want the discipline, and it will shake and shimmy and and even try to get sick.

Just ignore the mental yak yak, and forget the body protest, and focus yourself on the stillness of the mind (listening to the universe), and move chi power through the body. After a short while of holding the pot one will start to feel chi energy vibration, and there are many things you can do with this energy. You can move the power around the ‘pot’ of the upper limbs, you can circle it around the meridian running through the center of the front and back of the body, and you can do all sorts of other things.

What is of importance is that this posture has heavy martial arts function. After becoming competent at this posture, doing the karate kata called Sanchin will reveal amazing amounts of subtle chi power. One’s martial arts abilities will truly start to glow.

This exercise, incidentally, is based on one of the ten arm positions, as discussed in ‘The Perfect Technique,’ (Quality Press). Thus, it becomes an important technique for martial arts studies. The central principle behind this book is that there are only ten positions the arms can take that will ‘run’ chi power, and that the position of the limbs in the ‘holding the bowl’ exercise, as done in tai chi martial arts, is the first and probably the most critical of these arm positions.

Study the logical way of growing <a href=”http://www.monstermartialarts.com/Matrixing_Chi.html”>Chi Power</a> through arts like Shaolin and <a href=”http://www.monstermartialarts.com/Five_Army_Tai_Chi_Chuan.html”>Tai Chi Chuan</a>. Go to Monster Martial Arts, and make sure you pick up a free martial arts book.

Three Things One Must Know When Doing True Shaolin Kung Fu Training

Secrets of Real Shaolin Kung Fu Training!

The wins students get from true Shaolin Kung Fu training are absolutely unbelievable. The key to these wins is to train correctly. After all, you could have the nicest cut of ribs in the world, but cook it incorrectly and you’ll have a charcoal mess.

kung fu trainingWhen one is studying Kung Fu one should always move the body as a single unit. Six Harmonies Boxing preaches that one should move the hand at the same time as the foot, the knee with the elbow, and the hips with the shoulders. This is a technical viewpoint, which tends to separate body parts even as it unifies them.

With the hands and feet, one should step or twist into a posture in unison with the starting and stopping of the hand movement. For the knees and elbows, move them in a  manner which results in proper body alignment. For the hips and shoulders, move them in unison and commit your entire body weight into whatever movement you are doing.

The second of the three secrets of Shaolin Kung Fu training is to use the waist to initiate body motion. This is something that people begin to learn naturally after coming to grips with the points about moving the body as one single unit.  Simply, one should use the waist to make the body turn, don’t turn the arms first.

If you move the arms to initiate an action the body weight is going to be trying to catch up, instead of projecting weight and energy, and this tends to take weight out of a movement. Taking weight out of motion will take real power out of a move. If one studies this principle they will end up building the true chi power inherent in Shaolin Kung Fu.

Last secret, one must focus on the right way to breath. There is a commonly held idea that one should breath inward when the body contracts, and outward when the body expands, but there is more to this idea than just that. One must use breath to guide awareness through the body.

To make this occur one should ‘swim with awareness’ when doing the motions of kung fu forms. One should push the hands through the air as if they are moving great weights, this can give one the appearance of swimming through molasses. This tends to be truer in the internal forms and styles of Shaolin Kung Fu training, but that is fine.

To finish up, what you have just read are three significant points that many people neglect, or simply just don’t fully grasp. Yet they are key to good martial arts practices. Make the body parts work as a single unit, move with the whole body, and put breath awareness into your movements, that is the easy and plain secret of true Shaolin Kung Fu Training.

shaolin kung fu train

Martial Arts Test Your Knowledge And Be A Smarter Person!

The Great American Martial Arts Test!

This Martial Arts Test will let you know how smart you are in the martial arts. The questions go over a variety of martial arts, and instructions for finding out your grade are at the end. Write down the answer to each question, and have fun.

martial test

Discovering the Mysteries of the Universe!

Who was the Chinese movie star who was called ‘The Little Dragon?’  What was the important style of art learned by the founder of Aikido? What was the name of the brothers responsible for building a national chain of Chinese Kenpo Karate studios?

Who was the founder of the Chinese martial art wherein the students spends large amounts of time ‘walking the circle?’ Who was the first American President to take lessons in the art of Judo? What was the name of the movie that Bruce Lee didn’t complete before his death?

Which Karate system received the official blessing of Master Funakoshi to spread his teachings (it was not Shotokan)? What is the name of the World Taekwondo Headquarters (it is also the home of the World Taekwondo Academy)? Who was the Taekwondo master responsible for the martial arts in ‘Billie Jack?’

What is the name of the book written by the Japanese Samurai who killed sixty people and lived the last years of his life in a cave? What martial art trains one in the use of the martial arts weapon called a Parang? Who was the founder and owner of Black Belt magazine?

What length of time did it take Bill ‘Superfoot’ Wallace to earn his black belt? Which athlete did Bruce Lee watch the films of in a mirror to make sure he got the movements of on both sides? What was the name of the first book Ed Parker wrote on the martial arts (listed in wiki)?

Who was the CIA operative who wrote the first book on Shaolin to receive widespread attention in the US, and what was the name of the book that he wrote? What was the name of the first Kung Fu Movie to really make it big in the United States? Who was the Chinese actor to defeat a villain in a Chinese movie made in 1979, and then play that same villain in the American movie ‘Kill Bill?’

To find any answers you aren’t sure about do a google search. To figure out your results simply take the number of questions you answered correctly and divide by 18. Don’t worry if you didn’t do well on this martial arts test, for you now have the answers and are a smarter person.

martial arts rank

Martial Science of Neutronics Handles the Mugger!

Martial Science or Martial Art?
Martial Science is what it is,
but everybody thinks it is a Martial Art.
So what is the science behind the science?
What is the Neutronics behind Matrixing?
Matrixing is the analysis and handling of force and direction.
it is the analysis of the direction of force
so that you can handle it.
Neutronics is the study of motion.
martial artsOr,
to be precise,
it is the study of motion
from a fixed position.
Neutronics is based on three things
Protonic (going towards),
Electronic (going away),
Neutronic (nothing happens).
There is nothing else.
a guy is walking down the street
and nothing is really happening.
There’s nobody around,
he’s alone,
nothing is happening.
a mugger appears,
does our hero go protonic or electronic?
Fight or flight,
our hero decides to be smart
and starts running.
But the mugger runs faster.
So our hero must zig and zag
and do everything in his power
to make sure
that distance doesn’t close.
He can’t run away,
he doesn’t want to run towards,
so he must maintain distance,
he must make sure that…
‘nothing happens.’
But it is a different level of ‘nothing happening.’
Our hero must control the universe
through his protonic or electronic maneuverings
to create ‘nothing happening.’
Can you do this?
Can you study enough martial arts
so that you have enough knowledge
so that you are creating ‘nothing happening’
and enjoying it?
The mugger is swinging a club and screaming,
and you are laughing and playing.
so you don’t have a mugger coming at you.
the boss wants to cut your pay
the wife is so irritated she is burning the potatoes,
and the kids are playing with junkies in school…
can you move towards or away
from each of these people
in such a  manner that
not only do you laugh and play,
but they start to laugh and play?
That is neutronic.
That is maintaining a distance
so that everybody wins.
That is real Martial Arts,
that is knowing the martial arts so well
that they take over your life,
and that is going Neutronic.
And a correct study of the Martial Arts
is the only way to do this.
the sequence is this.
you must learn enough martial arts
so that you have a discipline to hold yourself firm,
that you become a fixed position in space.
you must matrix those martial arts
so they make sense
and become intuitive.
you must understand how to use Neutronics.
you must understand one and two
so well
that you no longer need the physical,
that you can just use the mental
to do your analysis and handling
of force and direction
and control the universe.
This is how you play with the mugger
get the boss to laugh while he gives you a raise
manipulate the wife’s irritation into joy
and go to the principle’s office because your son just beat up a drug dealer in school.
Okay, okay,
so maybe we missed it a bit on the kid,
it’s not a bad miss,
that’s Neutronics.
It is an actual science
based on the motions of the universe,
and it is the science
behind the science of matrixing.
You can check out Matrixing at
make sure you have enough martial arts discipline
to hold yourself firm,
and enough Matrixing to make it all logical.
Here’s the Matrix Karate course,
it has the basic Matrixing tables,
and the core theory to matrixing,
and will fix any other martial art.
All you have to do is take the matrixing tables
and plug your art into them.
And if you want to start your matrixing
in another art,
that’s okay, too.
Study what interests you.
That’s about it,
not much more to  say,
and it’s time to go work out.
Next newsletter is the infamous,
Monster Night Before Christmas,
so i’ll talk to you then.
(Don’t miss the Monster Night Before Christmas! Sign up for the Monster Martial Arts Newsletter at…where else…Monster Martial Arts!)
This has been a blog about Martial Science.
martial art

How Matrix Martial Arts was Born

matrix martial artsI was going over various things
having to do with matrixing,
and I realized something,
many people are coming in late,
I’m talking about the latest things,
and they don’t know anything about
the beginnings of matrixing.
I need to fix that.
One of the first wins I ever got
was from a fellow name of John Champion.
Most people never heard of him,
but he produced the old TV series
McHale’s Navy.
the old television series
Before that he produced movies
worked with people like Audi Murphy,
Linda Darnell, Joel McCrea,
Sterling Hayden, Ward Bond,
and a slew of other big time names
from the fifties.
Before that,
he wrote screenplays,
and all sorts of other stuff.
When I met him he had had a heart attack.
Actually had something like a quarter of his heart removed,
Here’s his win.
March 6, 1985
Dear Al:
Having suffered two severe coronaries, resulting in an inoperable condition, I am forced to take eighteen pills a day to stay alive. As a result, at 62, your training methods seemed to have nothing to offer me. In fact there appeared to be genuine risks in my getting involved in any rigorous physical discipline.
I’m pleased to report I was wrong on all counts.
After only ten work outs with you, my condition has improved greatly. Something else amazes me even more. I’m able to grapple with and frequently solve mental problems that were completely defeating me six weeks ago.
Thank you for your invaluable help.
John Champion.
I taught John The Infinite Fist
from the Create Your Own Art Course.
Honestly, he was so weak and fuzzy brained
it was a work out
just to get him to move.
the logic pulled him through,
and by the time 20 lessons had passed he had done
pretty much everything on the Create Your Own Art course.
We didn’t get into big takedowns,
but we did go into weapons a bit.
This because he walked late at night with his wife
and wanted self protection.
One day he held out a golf club,
asked me if that was a good weapon.
I said something like,
‘not for blocking.’
He held it over his head with two hands,
told me to hit him with one of my wooden swords.
I laughed,
took the club out of his hands
and snapped it in my hands.
We laughed as he realized that
if I had swung my heavy bokken at him
he would have massive head injuries.
he looked at one of my scripts,
offered to buy it,
and then he told me that he would make me a producer.
I wasn’t interested at all,
I wanted to do martial arts,
not produce movies,
which actually seemed to upset him.
He couldn’t understand how I could turn down
the chance at riches and power and gorgeous movie stars.
I couldn’t understand
how anybody could be waylaid
by such superficial things.
he was a tremendous fellow.
the Create Your Own Art course
has the original research I did.
In the beginning
I wrote long lists,
I filled hundreds of notebooks with lists of techniques from various arts
and combinations of arts,
just trying to make sense out of it all.
I stumbled across the actual formula,
the matrixing table
which made all lists obsolete.
a couple of matrix tables
created all the techniques I had been tried to sort through,
and I ended up throwing away a couple of hundred spiral ring notebooks
filled with lists of techniques, forms, drills,
and everything I knew,
but couldn’t make sense out of.
Matrixing provided me with the logic
to see everything…
everything in the martial arts
could be fitted into a little matrixing.
So Create Your Own Art has the three arts I used,
it has a couple of the old lists I used,
and which had proved particularly helpful
in making the first matrix tables.
The problem with it is the grainy, ancient video technology.
You can understand what I am saying and doing,
but it is blurry.
The other problem,
if you consider it a problem,
is my youth.
I was not polished
as a writer or public speaker,
and I tend to judge myself for that.
the thing to remember is that
my lack of personal polish is not what we are looking at,
what we are looking at is my enthusiasm,
an enthusiasm that was so overwhelming
that I turned down Hollywood offers
just to do the martial arts.
to be truthful,
I usually recommend Matrix Karate
as the first course,
because it has the matrix tables in it.
there is incredible value
in seeing the source material,
getting a look at what I was doing
and what led to me figuring out
the matrixing tables
and how they worked.
That’s the story,
and I’ll probably write a lot more on these early days.
I like thinking about the fun I had,
I like sharing it,
and I know it helps people,
gives them some reality on what I went through
to figure this stuff all out.
as I said earlier,
turkey day is past,
time to work out,
get rid of the fat
before Xmas comes
and we get fat all over again.
and I’ll talk to you later.

Tai Chi Chuan Builds An Energy Body

Tai Chi Chuan builds an energy body. This is true for Yang Tai Chi Chuan, Chen Tai Chi Chuan, or whatever type of Taiji you study. This is assuming you are following certain guidelines having to do with the energy anatomy.

energy bodyFirst thing to do, one must drop the body weight down. But, really, this is not just sinking the weight; to understand this just close your eyes and course your awareness down into the ground. This will enable you to create and drive a tractor beam into the ground.

Second in this procedure, you must shift the weight, then rotate the hips. You are trying to do one thing at a time, and therefore concentrating all your awareness on one thing at a time. This will ensure that you are distracted by splitting your intentions.

Third in this procedure, you must hold unbendable arms throughout all motions. There will be a slight in and out movement of the limbs, a slight wave of the arms, which will cause energy to wave. Unbendable arms need to draw on energy if they are going to build on energy.

Fourth in this procedure, you must pulse not just the arms, but the whole body. Push your awareness up the legs, rotate with the waist, and then wave out the arms. Do it in this exact sequence for every single movement, and learn how to push energy through your body.

Fifth, you must learn to relax. Relaxation is the most important thing in all the martial arts, as energy will flow easiest through that which is relaxed. And, this will lead you to higher levels of the martial arts, for being able to relax creates an emptiness within the body through which awareness will flow.

These are actually the rules for creating energy in all martial arts styles. Do these five things with Pa Kua Chang, or Hsing i, or that esoteric form of white crane chi gung, and your body will become more than flesh. It will transmogrify into a power body, a kinetic energy body, and it will become capable of feats far beyond the dreams of a simple physical cultist.

The key here is to believe that you are not just flesh, that you are a spiritual being, and that there is a link between the flesh and the spirit. That link is the energy body, and that link can be forged through the five rules listed here. That and a patient practice of such martial arts as Yang Tai Chi Chuan, Chen Tai Chi Chuan.

Dig Deeper into your Tai Chi Chuan. Learn the scientific methods of Matrixing. Head over to Monster Martial Arts.

The Three Geometries of the Internal Martial Arts

When one is defining the Internal Martial Arts they are, of course, speaking of Tai Chi Chuan, Pa Kua Chang, and Hsing i. These arts are considered soft, and they are designed to build chi power. Interestingly, while there is similarity, there must be difference, and the differences can better be understood by examining the specific geometries of each fighting discipline.

baguazhangTai Chi Chuan is the art that most people know of. It is done slowly, and attention is paid to the circulation of chi through the internal organs. This gives a ‘body of steel wrapped in cotton.’

Then there is Pa Kua Chang, which is a circular art in which chi power is said to spiral through the limbs and torso.

Last is Hsing i, which is more straightforward, developing the soft, internal power fist.

Now, Tai Chi doesn’t go anywhere. One deals with an attacker with subtle motions, not giving way, but rather redirecting force, then utilizing one’s own power.

Pa Kua goes in circles, which is a lateral motion.

Hsing i comes straightforward, more of an aggressive attacking sort of art.

The point here is that Tai Chi is the point on the ground, Pa Kua, though circular, describes sideways motion, and Hsing i creates forward and back motion.

Thus the three geometries create  plus, or a cross.

While this is not mystical, it does tend to create three methods of combat strategy which, when put together, create a wholistic fighting method.

If the attack is delivered with irresistible force, the tai chi student can shift to pa kua and move aside.

If the attack is not aggressive enough, one can shift to using i and mount a quick but penetrating attack.

Thus, fight or flight, slip or shift, the student who knows all three arts will have much more combat potential than the fellow who doesn’t. And that is the summation, be it a sketch it should still be handy in the overall viewpoint, of the three geometries of the Internal Martial Arts.

Using Martial Arts to Feng Shui a Crowd

reading martial arts book

Knowledge is in Martial Arts Books!

I was thinking about this the other day, how to use martial arts and fang shui to sway a crowd. I even wrote a thing on it in my newsletter and other blog, but it deserves a mention over here, you know?

The point is that fang shui is the harmonious arrangement of objections in a room to create harmony within the soul. This is a simple definition, but it should suffice.

At any rate, when you are fighting bodies in the martial arts, you might think about arranging them for your harmonious delight.

At first, this is simply making sure that only one person can fight you at a time. This means you go to the side, causing one of the attackers to circle, thus making the other of the attackers stand in the center, in front, and in-between you and the circling one.

I call this making a sandwich, and the guy in the center is about to be dead meat. Grin.

Now, it goes from here. Obviously you have to study motion so that they move the way you want them to move.

As you turn your side to them they will move one way or another, and you shift, and they close, and you face and they move back, and you are really taking advantage of a rather simple concept.

The bad guy wants to blind side you; the bad guy doesn’t want to close with you being aware of him; he doesn’t want to get hit, he wants to be the hitter.

This isn’t necessariy cowardice, though it could be construed as such, it is merely expedience on the part of the fellow who wants your money, your wife, your life, whatever.

Now, this is the concept of fang shui at work: wherever the blind spot is, you shine the light of your awareness on it.

Do you see how this works to your advantage? How it takes advantage of the ‘cowardice’ (expedience) of the mugger?

Now remember, it starts with the simple concept of sandwiching them. It flowers with understanding that concept that they are trying to blindside you, it comes to fruition with the fact that you arrange the circle of motion so that you are one the one always facing them.

They try to get to you, you slide off to the side and look at them. It will change their speed, make them do things they wouldn’t do for the simple reason that they have bend discovered.

Sneakers in the night, eh? Shine a little light on them and they scurry. Grin.

Well, that’s the skeletal structure of the thing. It should be pretty easy for you to put some meat on these bones, make a few exercises, and fang shui your attackers to the mat.

If you liked this concept of using Feng Shui in the martial arts, you can actually find my source martial on this subject of crowd control in a small book including in ten martial books called The Master Books. It is available at Monster Martial Arts.