Category Archives: hsing i

The Hard Punch Of Flux Theory Is The Secret Of An Empty Strike

Hardest punch

A Tight Fist is a Heavy Fist!

If martial artists really want to know how to punch hard they have to study Flux Theory. Flux Theory is the study of the flow of energy, and is specific to the martial arts. Except for a few mystical concepts, Flux Theory is rarely understood.

The Flow of Energy has two directions, and these would be positive or negative. Of course, this is a matter of viewpoint. For the transfer of energy from one person to the next is a flow and the viewpoint of positive or negative will change depending on who is looking at it.

When energy flows towards somebody it is generally referred to as positive. When energy flows away from somebody it is generally referred to as negative. To create the hard punch of Flux Theory one must strike with negative energy.

What this means is that the strike is flowing towards someone in a positive manner, but the energy in the arm flows away from the fist. I know this sounds contrary, but it isn’t, it is the idea of relaxing until the arm is limp and relaxed, and that while striking. Thus, you are striking somebody with an arm in which the concept of life has been removed.

I know that sounds bizarre, but it isn’t. The whole notion occurs in your head, you see. You take the consideration of life out of the limb when striking.

What occurs is that when you take the consideration for life out of your punching limb, you make your arm into an ‘inanimate object.’ Thus, you are not throwing a fist at another human being, you are throwing a ‘stick,’ a lump, an object with no consideration for what it hits.

And that means you are punching the other person without consideration for him as a human being. You don’t worry about the sanctity of life, you just throw an inanimate object at them. This works better and better as you become more able to move your awareness back out of your body.

The reason this works is because people normally don’t want to hurt other people, so they put energy in the arm so that shock can be absorbed by the arm. Hit, hit, hit…and there is no damage because the arm absorbs it all. When the arm is an empty stick, however, and you have lost the desire to ‘not hurt’ your fellow man, the energy is transmitted purely and the effect on the opponent is the hard punch of Flux Theory.

the hardest punch

What is a Karate Sensei Trying to Teach?

Not many people understand what a real Karate sensei is trying to teach. Too often people sign up for a karate lesson, learn to bow and call the teacher Sensei, and don’t even know what the word means. This is true not just of karate, but of other martial arts, such as Kenpo or Kung Fu. To understand what the word sensei means, however, is to change the student’s mind about what the martial arts are all about.

In Japan there is a three year ‘task’ for monks during their training. During this time they must live by the kindness of their fellow man. They sit in places where people pass by and hold their cups out and beg without speaking.

One of the places for these monks is at crossroads. People travel by, flip a coin in the cup, and walk on. And, occasionally, people ask where a destination is.

The monk, who after a time of living in such a manner looks rather shabby, merely extends his finger and points down the road. Thus, the word sensei means: ‘He who points the way.’ And this term has been taken and used by people who are guiding others to a specific destination.

Now, the unfortunate fact is that many martial arts instructors don’t understand this. Martial Arts have exploded across civilization so fast that proper teachings have been all but forgotten. Thus, many karate sensei are in it solely for the ‘domination factor.’

Thus, real teachings are put aside, and the teaching method has been geared for the person who wishes to control people. But a real martial arts teacher doesn’t control people; he teaches martial arts. And there is a huge and vast difference between these two things.

The fellow who teaches people is looking for money, to dominate, to make sure he is the leader of the pack. The fellow who teaches martial arts doesn’t care about being leader of the pack, he just wants to give information that will lead the student down the correct path. The question is…what is the correct path?

A martial art teacher who lacks understanding will point to trophies, to being in charge, to winning no matter what the cost is. A martial art instructor who has not journeyed upon the way himself will push people, call for discipline, and make people monkey see monkey do what he is showing them, no matter that he doesn’t understand it himself. A true Karate sensei gives the teachings, then removes himself from the path of the student.

Fortunately, there is a course that is not monkey see monkey do, but actually works the way old time martial arts instruction. Karate sensei everywhere, if they want to be true to the art, should look to the Martial Arts Instructor Course at Free Martial Arts Online.


I made a deal with Denny over at Karate Supply. He gave me a code to pass on. Order anything you want, put this code in when you check out, and you get a percent off! I’m not sure how much, but it is worth looking into. So if you need a new uniform, weapons, anything at all…go to and type in the code AC789, and get your discount. On anything…on everything…NO LIMIT!

Martial Arts Website Plan to Make Money!

yoga kataI always said I would never monetize my martial arts website. And, for years, I haven’t. However, times change, and the Great Matrixing Tour is in the works, and I need money to make that happen. Unless, of course, some millionaire out there wants to make a donation.

Before I get into the money making stuff, I should explain what the Great Matrixing Tour (GMT) is.

I began selling courses on Matrixing the martial arts back in 2007. If you read the wins on my website ( you will note that there is high regard for the matrixing science, and this is because it is a science. Karate, Aikido, Tai Chi, all the other arts, are arts. But matrixing puts forth actual scientific principles. This makes the art easier to learn, faster to learn, more efficient, and so on. Simply, the wins people are having are incredible.

Now, being the ‘inventor’ of this method, I want to see how it is being applied throughout the world, or at least the US and Canada. So the GMT is me and the wife traveling around the United States and visiting people who have ordered courses from me.

It’s sort of funny, it is the greatest example of quality control in the history of the world. Somebody buys a $30 course and I come out to make sure it is working. Ha!

So, to make this happen, to make sure that Matrixing is being learned correctly, that there are no problems, and, let’s face it, to get info for more courses, I need to have dollars. So, alas, I finally start the monetizing process.

There are my own courses, of course, and you can find them on any of my sites or blogs. Any contribution is welcome.

But now i am starting to sell other things, and even to put in adsense and Amazon.

I have no idea how these things will work out, but, heck, life is an education, right?

So, check out those sidebars, if you see a uniform or a kicking bag or whatever from Amazon, click over and help support the GMT.

And, if you are interested in monetizing your own site, check out the Internet Source Book I have in the sidebar. I have spent years putting this together, there are thousands of dollars of courses reflected in this book, but the real blessing is this: I am a professional writer. I am not a computer guy trying to explain about computers, I am a professional writer, with the ability to explain things so you understand them.

So that’s it. Check out my sites, if you see a good deal, great…and if you don’t, enjoy this fine martial arts website I’ve put together.

Real Karate

Tai Chi Chuan Builds An Energy Body

Tai Chi Chuan builds an energy body. This is true for Yang Tai Chi Chuan, Chen Tai Chi Chuan, or whatever type of Taiji you study. This is assuming you are following certain guidelines having to do with the energy anatomy.

energy bodyFirst thing to do, one must drop the body weight down. But, really, this is not just sinking the weight; to understand this just close your eyes and course your awareness down into the ground. This will enable you to create and drive a tractor beam into the ground.

Second in this procedure, you must shift the weight, then rotate the hips. You are trying to do one thing at a time, and therefore concentrating all your awareness on one thing at a time. This will ensure that you are distracted by splitting your intentions.

Third in this procedure, you must hold unbendable arms throughout all motions. There will be a slight in and out movement of the limbs, a slight wave of the arms, which will cause energy to wave. Unbendable arms need to draw on energy if they are going to build on energy.

Fourth in this procedure, you must pulse not just the arms, but the whole body. Push your awareness up the legs, rotate with the waist, and then wave out the arms. Do it in this exact sequence for every single movement, and learn how to push energy through your body.

Fifth, you must learn to relax. Relaxation is the most important thing in all the martial arts, as energy will flow easiest through that which is relaxed. And, this will lead you to higher levels of the martial arts, for being able to relax creates an emptiness within the body through which awareness will flow.

These are actually the rules for creating energy in all martial arts styles. Do these five things with Pa Kua Chang, or Hsing i, or that esoteric form of white crane chi gung, and your body will become more than flesh. It will transmogrify into a power body, a kinetic energy body, and it will become capable of feats far beyond the dreams of a simple physical cultist.

The key here is to believe that you are not just flesh, that you are a spiritual being, and that there is a link between the flesh and the spirit. That link is the energy body, and that link can be forged through the five rules listed here. That and a patient practice of such martial arts as Yang Tai Chi Chuan, Chen Tai Chi Chuan.

Dig Deeper into your Tai Chi Chuan. Learn the scientific methods of Matrixing. Head over to Monster Martial Arts.

The Real Shaolin History The Masters Won’t Tell You!

The real Shaolin History is one of those animals that’s difficult to pin down. One reason for this is that the communist regime controls all history, and rewrites it to suit the state. Another reason is that the current history is of an oral tradition, and therefore quite open to mythicizing.

real shaolin historyThe real history starts with Bodhidharma traveling to China to see the emperor. This tends to enhance Bodhidharma at the expense of the emperor, and it should not be that way. The emperor, you see, was enrolling Buddhist monks in a program to translate texts from sanskrit to Chinese.

?The emperor believed that if he saw to the translation of these religious texts the general public would be enabled to study this religion. He believed this would allow him to enter nirvana. Bodhidharma told the emperor otherwise, which gained him nothing but a swift kick in the pants right out the emperor’s doors.

Bodhidharma then went to a local temple to meet up with other monks, and was refused entrance. The head abbot apparently thought him a meddler, or an upstart, or maybe he just didn’t want to be associated with somebody the emperor found lacking.

The temple he was refused entrance to was built on land which had been razed, or burned down, and the emperor’s gardeners had planted new trees. Thus, came about the name Shaolin (young forest). Nowhere to go, Bodhidharma went to a nearby cave to live.

Eventually Bodhidharma gained admittance to the temple, and legends have it that it took nine years, he bored a hole in the cave with his eyesight, he cut off his eyelids and planted them, and all sorts of other rather ludicrous legends. No one knows why he was admitted to the temple, but it was a good thing he was. The monks were in bad physical shape.

The Shaolin monks spent all their time studying books (scrolls, etc.) and were a sickly lot. So Bodhidharma gave them a series of body motions founded on hatha yoga and raja yoga. These movements were derived from the 18 animals of Chinese-Indian iconography, and this was doubtless the source of the five Shaolin animals.

This was the beginning of shaolin kung fu, though it is difficult to say when body conditioning was transformed into actual martial arts. The times and the region were filled with bandits and hard times, and it can be safely assumed that somebody in good physical condition is going to stand a better chance of survival than somebody who is not in good physical condition. At any rate this real Shaolin history is better verified, with more legitimate sources, than the various myths and legends which currently abound.

Real Shaolin History means nothing if you don’t study the martial art itself. Head on over on over over to Monster Martial Arts for the most efficient Shaolin Teaching in the world!

Dog Kung Fu Proves That Women Can Be Very Nasty Fighters!

Dog Kung Fu is one of those exotic martial arts that one hears rumors of but...nah, that can’t exist. That’s a comic book art! But, truth, it not only exists, it is mean and snarly like, well, like a junk yard dog!

Perhaps use of the phrase junk yard dog is unwarranted here, for the art, though down and dirty, is also elegant. And, it was created by woman! And it really is unfair to refer to a woman as a junkyard dog, right?

History traces Dog boxing back to the White Lotus Nunnery in the east of QuanZhou. A nun, SiYueDaShi, is said to have spread the art of dog boxing. Though it is not a wide spread art, it is a long lasting art, and this because it is so effective.

There are two specific hallmarks of this fighting discipline. One, it trains the student to relax, this so the rigorous training will not result in injuries. Two, it trains the kung fu student to bind without getting bound.

Binding refers to the practicing of trapping or locking an opponent. So binding without getting bound refers to traps and locks, without getting trapped or locked. Definitely something the best martial artist will want to know!

Interestingly, the term binding also refers to the practice of binding women’s feet in old China. A woman so bound would not be able to float like a butterfly, but would rather have to fall to the floor and rely on whole body movements to trip and wrap and tie an opponent up. This interesting similarity of term may be at the root of why a nun would be credited with teaching and spreading the art.

A Dishu Quan class usually consists of extensive stretching and and leg lifting and squatting. Second is a series of patterns (martial arts forms) and two person exercises. Thirdly, is a series of rolling, diving and coiling exercises.

There are more things than just what are listed here, quite a bit, for the art is very full featured. It is also very intense, for the practice is, often as not, done on concrete floors! Thus, the saying concerning Dog Kung Fu…‘The Hardship of Dog Boxing.’

Drop by Pick up a free Martial Arts ebook on the home page.

I Love Teaching How to Punch Hard!

I love to teach how to punch hard. I have always loved the idea of the tight fist, the punch that knocks ’em over, the fistaroonie that does the job. But teaching it is another high altogether!

hardest punch

The Hardest Punch in All the Martial Arts!

I usually start people off with Matrix Karate. It is logical, there is no mystery, and it is fast to teach. And, the most enjoyable part is teaching somebody what a real punch is.

Last night I had a fellow take my class, and he had an assortment of experience. He actually knew a lot, but the information was all jumbled, out of order. So first thing I do is have him hold a bag, and I punch him.

The eyes go wide, he is slammed back, and he knows something unique has happened for one reason…no effort. I don’t grunt or groan or muscle up. I just get the job done.

Now, here comes the fun part. I tell him what I have done, I show him so he can understand, and then I hold the bag.

People take from 30 seconds to 30 minutes to figure it out, and this guy was smart. His first punch knocked me back a couple of feet.

I grinned. He grinned. He punched me again.

There is something so downright addictive about smacking the you know what out of something (a punching bag with full body weight behind it). It makes the whole art come alive. I tell you, Karate has gotten a bad rap. A lot of people think it is for kids, or tournaments.  But it ain’t so.

Heck, hold the bag for me, I’ll bounce you across the room so fast your head will whiplash. And then I’ll show you how. Thirty seconds of the correct information, and I’ll teach you how to punch hard. Guaranteed.

the hardest punch

Win a Street Fight Using One of These Three Karate Techniques!

I have used these three karate techniques for decades, and I find them invaluable. In fact, I am one hundred per cent sure that these are the three martial arts techniques you must master if you want to win a street fight…and I mean any street fight.

matrix of blocksMind you, I figured these things in tournaments years ago, and they can be used in tournaments, but only if you use proper control. Use them on the street however, defend your life, and you must use them full out.

The first technique is to break the fingers when you are closing in. Many people will have open hands, not always, but enough to where this technique should be paid attention to. So when you close the distance, assuming you are not kicking first, you must slap down on his fingers with a backfist. If you can break his fingers he will rethink everything, and he will have one hand that is pretty much useless.

Second thing, goes right along with breaking fingers, is to force his hands (arms) down. Push them downward, so they are trapped and he can’t use them, and you are going to have a heck of an advantage. This is actually the theory behind Bruce Lee’s famous ‘Straight Blast.’ He would literally ruin at people, sprint at them, shooting punches so that they rode over the arms and forced them down, so that his punches would be unimpeded on the way to the face.

Third, make him blink his eyes. This fits right in with the shooting motion of the hands as you go for broken fingers and trapping hands. If you can shoot the fingers to the eyes, and hit the eyes, then you are going to be fighting somebody who is blind. What could be sweeter, eh?

But even if you don’t manage to blind the mugger, if he blinks his eyes, thinks backward in his mind, then he will be pulling your strikes to his face and not even thinking about defending himself, or even countering. Now, these techniques I discovered in tournaments many decades ago. And you can still use them, but be careful. You don’t want to break your partner’s fingers, but you do want to slap his hands down. And you don’t want to blind him, but you do want him to blink his eyes.

So practice these karate techniques, learn how to use them, and you will never lose a street fight.

The Three Geometries of the Internal Martial Arts

When one is defining the Internal Martial Arts they are, of course, speaking of Tai Chi Chuan, Pa Kua Chang, and Hsing i. These arts are considered soft, and they are designed to build chi power. Interestingly, while there is similarity, there must be difference, and the differences can better be understood by examining the specific geometries of each fighting discipline.

baguazhangTai Chi Chuan is the art that most people know of. It is done slowly, and attention is paid to the circulation of chi through the internal organs. This gives a ‘body of steel wrapped in cotton.’

Then there is Pa Kua Chang, which is a circular art in which chi power is said to spiral through the limbs and torso.

Last is Hsing i, which is more straightforward, developing the soft, internal power fist.

Now, Tai Chi doesn’t go anywhere. One deals with an attacker with subtle motions, not giving way, but rather redirecting force, then utilizing one’s own power.

Pa Kua goes in circles, which is a lateral motion.

Hsing i comes straightforward, more of an aggressive attacking sort of art.

The point here is that Tai Chi is the point on the ground, Pa Kua, though circular, describes sideways motion, and Hsing i creates forward and back motion.

Thus the three geometries create  plus, or a cross.

While this is not mystical, it does tend to create three methods of combat strategy which, when put together, create a wholistic fighting method.

If the attack is delivered with irresistible force, the tai chi student can shift to pa kua and move aside.

If the attack is not aggressive enough, one can shift to using i and mount a quick but penetrating attack.

Thus, fight or flight, slip or shift, the student who knows all three arts will have much more combat potential than the fellow who doesn’t. And that is the summation, be it a sketch it should still be handy in the overall viewpoint, of the three geometries of the Internal Martial Arts.