Category Archives: martial arts books

Martial Arts Website Plan to Make Money!

yoga kataI always said I would never monetize my martial arts website. And, for years, I haven’t. However, times change, and the Great Matrixing Tour is in the works, and I need money to make that happen. Unless, of course, some millionaire out there wants to make a donation.

Before I get into the money making stuff, I should explain what the Great Matrixing Tour (GMT) is.

I began selling courses on Matrixing the martial arts back in 2007. If you read the wins on my website ( you will note that there is high regard for the matrixing science, and this is because it is a science. Karate, Aikido, Tai Chi, all the other arts, are arts. But matrixing puts forth actual scientific principles. This makes the art easier to learn, faster to learn, more efficient, and so on. Simply, the wins people are having are incredible.

Now, being the ‘inventor’ of this method, I want to see how it is being applied throughout the world, or at least the US and Canada. So the GMT is me and the wife traveling around the United States and visiting people who have ordered courses from me.

It’s sort of funny, it is the greatest example of quality control in the history of the world. Somebody buys a $30 course and I come out to make sure it is working. Ha!

So, to make this happen, to make sure that Matrixing is being learned correctly, that there are no problems, and, let’s face it, to get info for more courses, I need to have dollars. So, alas, I finally start the monetizing process.

There are my own courses, of course, and you can find them on any of my sites or blogs. Any contribution is welcome.

But now i am starting to sell other things, and even to put in adsense and Amazon.

I have no idea how these things will work out, but, heck, life is an education, right?

So, check out those sidebars, if you see a uniform or a kicking bag or whatever from Amazon, click over and help support the GMT.

And, if you are interested in monetizing your own site, check out the Internet Source Book I have in the sidebar. I have spent years putting this together, there are thousands of dollars of courses reflected in this book, but the real blessing is this: I am a professional writer. I am not a computer guy trying to explain about computers, I am a professional writer, with the ability to explain things so you understand them.

So that’s it. Check out my sites, if you see a good deal, great…and if you don’t, enjoy this fine martial arts website I’ve put together.

Real Karate

People Should Learn Karate Online Because of What Happened to Detroit Bus Drivers!

learn karate online1 blog learn karate onlinePeople want to learn Karate Online because it is quick and easy to learn. There isn’t any school politics, you aren’t held back by slow learners, teachers pushing programs, or some other silly reason. Because of what happened in Detroit, there is even more reason for wanting to get involved in the martial arts.

This headline hit the news within the last week…‘100 Bus Drivers’ Refuse to Drive Their Buses!’

The reason? Fear. Here’s what the head of the bus driver’s union had to say.

“Our drivers are scared, they’re scared for their lives. This has been an ongoing situation about security. I think yesterday kind of just topped it off, when one of my drivers was beat up by some teenagers down in the middle of Rosa Parks and it took the police almost 30 minutes to get there, in downtown Detroit,” said Gaffney.

So, there you go, people who are scared because of what is happening in our society, so they just won’t work. Heck, there are even cases of the police refusing to work!

Of course, you could always carry a weapon. It worked in the state of Florida, they passed a law allowing people to carry arms, and the crime rate went down.

Oh, you’re a democratic, bleeding heart type of fellow who thinks guns kill people? And people don’t hurt people? How about learning some, good old martial arts? Learn some good old fashioned, punch in the nose Karate. Or Taekwondo, or Kenpo! The next guy who picks on a lady on your bus is going to find himself down and out…out of the bus and face down in the gutter. And the people in the bus will cheer wildly!

Well, I can only preach about this. People can get large in the body and lethargic in the head, they can live in fear, they can be victims. It’s up to the individual.

As for me, I think that to learn Karate Online is a good idea whose time has definitely arrived!

A List Of Jackie Chan Stunts In Which He Nearly Lost His Life

In the list of Jackie Chan stunts the star has come close to death more times than you can count. Still, he keeps going, making some of the best martial arts movies in the history of cinema. Here are seven Jackie Chan Films in which he nearly died, or at least suffered serious injuries.

One of his early starring efforts was a movie called Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow. During the filming of this movie he failed to evade a sword which should have had a blunt edge. The result was a thick spray of his blood, and the screams you hear in the scene are of his real and actual pain.

In the filming of Police Story he was almost paralyzed for life. He slid down a pole in one action packed stunt, exploding all the hanging lights and ripping electrical wires and falling through a glass cover. In this scene he broke the seventh and eighth vertebra in his backbone, and managed to dislocate his hip.

During Crime Story Jackie had a scene in which he was between two cars which were slamming together. Either his timing, or the drivers’ of the cars timing was off. The result was one Jackie Chan Stunt with two crushed legs.

He has injured his knees numerous times, and doubts that he has much cartilage left. One of the worst knee injuries happened during, of all things, a skateboard scene. The movie was City Hunter.

One of his most famous injuries was while filming a scene while filming Rumble in the Bronx. He leaped and broke his ankle when attempting to land on a moving hovercraft. You can see, if you look carefully, the cast they put on his leg so he could keep filming.

He nearly broke his neck on the set of Project A. In this instance he fell from a very tall clock tower, bounced from awning to awning, before landing on his head on the ground. You can see this scene, and other out takes of him being injured, at the end of the movie.

The worst injury he ever received, however, was during the filming of Armour of God. He leaped to a tree, missed, and bashed his head on the ground. The star is a trooper however, for within two days of nearly dying from a broken skull and hemorrhaging brain, he was back filming and making more of his incredible Jackie Chan Stunts.

Dog Kung Fu Proves That Women Can Be Very Nasty Fighters!

Dog Kung Fu is one of those exotic martial arts that one hears rumors of but...nah, that can’t exist. That’s a comic book art! But, truth, it not only exists, it is mean and snarly like, well, like a junk yard dog!

Perhaps use of the phrase junk yard dog is unwarranted here, for the art, though down and dirty, is also elegant. And, it was created by woman! And it really is unfair to refer to a woman as a junkyard dog, right?

History traces Dog boxing back to the White Lotus Nunnery in the east of QuanZhou. A nun, SiYueDaShi, is said to have spread the art of dog boxing. Though it is not a wide spread art, it is a long lasting art, and this because it is so effective.

There are two specific hallmarks of this fighting discipline. One, it trains the student to relax, this so the rigorous training will not result in injuries. Two, it trains the kung fu student to bind without getting bound.

Binding refers to the practicing of trapping or locking an opponent. So binding without getting bound refers to traps and locks, without getting trapped or locked. Definitely something the best martial artist will want to know!

Interestingly, the term binding also refers to the practice of binding women’s feet in old China. A woman so bound would not be able to float like a butterfly, but would rather have to fall to the floor and rely on whole body movements to trip and wrap and tie an opponent up. This interesting similarity of term may be at the root of why a nun would be credited with teaching and spreading the art.

A Dishu Quan class usually consists of extensive stretching and and leg lifting and squatting. Second is a series of patterns (martial arts forms) and two person exercises. Thirdly, is a series of rolling, diving and coiling exercises.

There are more things than just what are listed here, quite a bit, for the art is very full featured. It is also very intense, for the practice is, often as not, done on concrete floors! Thus, the saying concerning Dog Kung Fu…‘The Hardship of Dog Boxing.’

Drop by Pick up a free Martial Arts ebook on the home page.

To Study Martial Arts You Must Select The Right Art

Everybody has thought about a study of the martial arts. They see the Jackie Chan flicks, they hear the crime horror tales, and they know that if they knew something like Karate or Kung Fu they would be in better shape if they got attacked.

The choice becomes one of, do you study Karate or Kung Fu? Or Aikido or Tai Chi Chuan or kenpo or Pa Kua or Krav Maga or…the choices can be a bit overwhelming. So check out the following video, then let’s think our way through a few arts and consider what the correct decision should be.

Karate is constructed of powerful kicks and punches. The training tends to be regimented, and you will be expected to sweat. Depending on the style of karate you choose, you may end up studying such things as jointlocks, throws, and so on.

Kung Fu is a mixed bag. There are styles which focus on close in fighting, like Wing Chun, and there are styles like Shaolin which allow for more space and arm swinging techniques. There are very combative methods, like Preying Mantis, and there are odd and acrobatic methods, like Monkey style, Drunken style, or even the Drunken Monkey Style.

Most people usually start studying at corner malls, and these locations often showcase Chinese Kenpo Karate. Kenpo tends to be a tournament oriented style with an immense range of one on one self defense techniques. The difficult thing here is to ascertain whether the instructor is more focused on the combat, or on trophies.

Another art showcased in strip malls in Taekwondo. Taekwondo specializes in kicks. This is an excellent strategy which keeps people at a distance, and gives a tremendous work out. There is usually an emphasis on heavy sparring in some taekwondo schools.

If one wishes to study more harmonious and spiritual methods, one should look into Aikido. Aikdio means ‘the way of harmony in the spirit,’ and it concentrates on circular movements which harmonize with motions of an attacker. This is an art where it becomes obvious that one must truly understand oneself before attempting to subdue another.

Another peaceful art is Tai Chi Chuan. Tai Chi is slow moving, good for old people, but possessed of some of the wickedest self defense moves you will ever see. Mind you, being slow moving, it sometimes takes a while to reach the level of effective self defense.

Speaking of functional self defense moves, one should look into the Israeli Krav Maga. Krav Maga was designed not just for defense on the street, but for use in actual combat. It is filled with realistic tricks, and one of the most useful arts one can study.

The last martial art we will consider, though there are more that one will come across, is jujitsu. Jujitsu has a history going back centuries, but most of it is now related to Ultimate Fighting Championships, Mixed Martial Arts, and venues of that sort. This is an extremely practical martial art, though one should always try to avoid wrestling types move on the street, as this presents an opportunity for an attacker’s friends to wade in, there could be sharp objects on the ground, and so on.

As I said, there are many other martial arts one can examine when selecting the fighting discipline that is right for them. In the end, there are as many arts as there are individuals advocating them. Which study of martial arts a person chooses is up to the person.

The Proof is Mounting that Martial Artists with Tattoos are Weaker!

karate muscles

I got your chi right here...beotch!

Watching the martial artists on the UFC last night.
The first two matches the fellows with less tattoos won over the fellows with more tattoos.

Then I went to the UFC house, and the guys with more tattoos won!
Wait a minute, this isn’t the way the statistics have been going!
Then I realized, the coach for the guys who happened to have no tattoos wasn’t even showing up. So I would say that the results are skewed. Still, I can’t ignore them, I just have to expand my database. And I’m going to have to take into account factors such as the disappearing MA coach. Oh well. It’s still fun.

My website is Monster Martial Arts, and a lot of people get interested in my book on The Punch, which lists the concepts and training routines you need to have the strongest punch in the world. There’s a free martial arts book on the home page.

The Three Geometries of the Internal Martial Arts

When one is defining the Internal Martial Arts they are, of course, speaking of Tai Chi Chuan, Pa Kua Chang, and Hsing i. These arts are considered soft, and they are designed to build chi power. Interestingly, while there is similarity, there must be difference, and the differences can better be understood by examining the specific geometries of each fighting discipline.

baguazhangTai Chi Chuan is the art that most people know of. It is done slowly, and attention is paid to the circulation of chi through the internal organs. This gives a ‘body of steel wrapped in cotton.’

Then there is Pa Kua Chang, which is a circular art in which chi power is said to spiral through the limbs and torso.

Last is Hsing i, which is more straightforward, developing the soft, internal power fist.

Now, Tai Chi doesn’t go anywhere. One deals with an attacker with subtle motions, not giving way, but rather redirecting force, then utilizing one’s own power.

Pa Kua goes in circles, which is a lateral motion.

Hsing i comes straightforward, more of an aggressive attacking sort of art.

The point here is that Tai Chi is the point on the ground, Pa Kua, though circular, describes sideways motion, and Hsing i creates forward and back motion.

Thus the three geometries create  plus, or a cross.

While this is not mystical, it does tend to create three methods of combat strategy which, when put together, create a wholistic fighting method.

If the attack is delivered with irresistible force, the tai chi student can shift to pa kua and move aside.

If the attack is not aggressive enough, one can shift to using i and mount a quick but penetrating attack.

Thus, fight or flight, slip or shift, the student who knows all three arts will have much more combat potential than the fellow who doesn’t. And that is the summation, be it a sketch it should still be handy in the overall viewpoint, of the three geometries of the Internal Martial Arts.

Using Martial Arts to Feng Shui a Crowd

reading martial arts book

Knowledge is in Martial Arts Books!

I was thinking about this the other day, how to use martial arts and fang shui to sway a crowd. I even wrote a thing on it in my newsletter and other blog, but it deserves a mention over here, you know?

The point is that fang shui is the harmonious arrangement of objections in a room to create harmony within the soul. This is a simple definition, but it should suffice.

At any rate, when you are fighting bodies in the martial arts, you might think about arranging them for your harmonious delight.

At first, this is simply making sure that only one person can fight you at a time. This means you go to the side, causing one of the attackers to circle, thus making the other of the attackers stand in the center, in front, and in-between you and the circling one.

I call this making a sandwich, and the guy in the center is about to be dead meat. Grin.

Now, it goes from here. Obviously you have to study motion so that they move the way you want them to move.

As you turn your side to them they will move one way or another, and you shift, and they close, and you face and they move back, and you are really taking advantage of a rather simple concept.

The bad guy wants to blind side you; the bad guy doesn’t want to close with you being aware of him; he doesn’t want to get hit, he wants to be the hitter.

This isn’t necessariy cowardice, though it could be construed as such, it is merely expedience on the part of the fellow who wants your money, your wife, your life, whatever.

Now, this is the concept of fang shui at work: wherever the blind spot is, you shine the light of your awareness on it.

Do you see how this works to your advantage? How it takes advantage of the ‘cowardice’ (expedience) of the mugger?

Now remember, it starts with the simple concept of sandwiching them. It flowers with understanding that concept that they are trying to blindside you, it comes to fruition with the fact that you arrange the circle of motion so that you are one the one always facing them.

They try to get to you, you slide off to the side and look at them. It will change their speed, make them do things they wouldn’t do for the simple reason that they have bend discovered.

Sneakers in the night, eh? Shine a little light on them and they scurry. Grin.

Well, that’s the skeletal structure of the thing. It should be pretty easy for you to put some meat on these bones, make a few exercises, and fang shui your attackers to the mat.

If you liked this concept of using Feng Shui in the martial arts, you can actually find my source martial on this subject of crowd control in a small book including in ten martial books called The Master Books. It is available at Monster Martial Arts.


Here’s a few Free Martial Arts Books Online!

reading martial arts book

Knowledge is in Free Martial Arts Books!

I love freebies, and I know that people love them, and that means you’re gonna love free martial arts books, right?

I started off with my three free Matrix books. They are short, little manuals describing what Matrixing is and where it comes from.

Right now I’m searching through military files, the net, everywhere I can to find more free books. I’ll build a list, and if anybody has a free martial arts book, one that is in the public domain that others would love to see, let me know.

I mean, yes, we have to take lessons, but we should also augment them with as much quality information from other sources as we can. Right?

So here are three free martial arts books to start, and I’ll talk to you later.


Click on the headline right above this and on the right. It says ‘New Martial Arts Website….’ Click on that and follow the blog.

BTW, Feel free to comment on any post, but remember, how you speak reveals your intelligence. Smart people use the correct language. Dumb people don’t.