Tag Archives: kenpo

Martial Arts, Rowing from Cuba, and an Invention Whose Time Has Come!

learn karate onlineFree Martial Arts. A lot of people want something for nothing, and that ain’t good, but then, a lot of people want to be free, and that’s where the martial arts comes in. A study of an art like Karate, or Aikido, or some type of Kung fu, breeds the desire for freedom in the human spirit.
My first real glimmer of this came about when I taught a fellow from Eastern Europe. He came to America, I taught him Karate and other martial arts, and one day I asked him about life behind the Iron Curtain.
‘You can’t study Karate unless you are police, or son of politician.’
‘That’s why I come to United States! I want study Karate!’
That certainly blew Mrs’ Case’s son’s socks right off his little tootsies. Humbled me, it fair did.
My second brush up against this idea of the desire for freedom in the hearts and souls of men was not connected with the martial arts. I was doing some work for a gal, she had a slight accent, and I found out she was Cuban, and then she told me the story of her father.
He wanted freedom, so he took the inner tube from an airplane tire, which was a capital offense in Cuba at the time.
He then ripped a plank off a fence, packed a punch, and rowed ninety miles from Cuba to the US, just to be free.
She told me that midway to Florida he took a break, reached into his sack for a sandwich, chewed on it slowly and watched the sharks circling his inner tube.
Now he would have made a good Karate student!
The thing about freedom is that you are free to do what you want. Ignore the government, make a plan, and do what you want.
For instance, speaking of rowing from Cuba, I always wanted to make a car that could drive on water. A few of these contraptions have actually been made, and there have been plans published in such mags as Popular Mechanics and such, but I think about something easier to construct, easy enough for people to make with a few tools and a couple of days off.
I thought about a raft. You drive the car on, placing the rear tires between some rollers that are connected to the screw.
And, if you have to make a long voyage, say to Hawaii, you simply make a few inflatable canoes and fill them with gas and whatever supplies you need.
Anyway, that’s my cockamammie idea, and I don’t think it’s a bad one. Just hasn’t been done yet. Well, perhaps I should stick to my ‘free martial arts,’ eh?

The Proof is Mounting that Martial Artists with Tattoos are Weaker!

karate muscles

I got your chi right here...beotch!

Watching the martial artists on the UFC last night.
The first two matches the fellows with less tattoos won over the fellows with more tattoos.

Then I went to the UFC house, and the guys with more tattoos won!
Wait a minute, this isn’t the way the statistics have been going!
Then I realized, the coach for the guys who happened to have no tattoos wasn’t even showing up. So I would say that the results are skewed. Still, I can’t ignore them, I just have to expand my database. And I’m going to have to take into account factors such as the disappearing MA coach. Oh well. It’s still fun.

My website is Monster Martial Arts, and a lot of people get interested in my book on The Punch, which lists the concepts and training routines you need to have the strongest punch in the world. There’s a free martial arts book on the home page.

Win a Street Fight Using One of These Three Karate Techniques!

I have used these three karate techniques for decades, and I find them invaluable. In fact, I am one hundred per cent sure that these are the three martial arts techniques you must master if you want to win a street fight…and I mean any street fight.

matrix of blocksMind you, I figured these things in tournaments years ago, and they can be used in tournaments, but only if you use proper control. Use them on the street however, defend your life, and you must use them full out.

The first technique is to break the fingers when you are closing in. Many people will have open hands, not always, but enough to where this technique should be paid attention to. So when you close the distance, assuming you are not kicking first, you must slap down on his fingers with a backfist. If you can break his fingers he will rethink everything, and he will have one hand that is pretty much useless.

Second thing, goes right along with breaking fingers, is to force his hands (arms) down. Push them downward, so they are trapped and he can’t use them, and you are going to have a heck of an advantage. This is actually the theory behind Bruce Lee’s famous ‘Straight Blast.’ He would literally ruin at people, sprint at them, shooting punches so that they rode over the arms and forced them down, so that his punches would be unimpeded on the way to the face.

Third, make him blink his eyes. This fits right in with the shooting motion of the hands as you go for broken fingers and trapping hands. If you can shoot the fingers to the eyes, and hit the eyes, then you are going to be fighting somebody who is blind. What could be sweeter, eh?

But even if you don’t manage to blind the mugger, if he blinks his eyes, thinks backward in his mind, then he will be pulling your strikes to his face and not even thinking about defending himself, or even countering. Now, these techniques I discovered in tournaments many decades ago. And you can still use them, but be careful. You don’t want to break your partner’s fingers, but you do want to slap his hands down. And you don’t want to blind him, but you do want him to blink his eyes.

So practice these karate techniques, learn how to use them, and you will never lose a street fight.

Discipline in the Martial Arts and Hanging the School Teacher!

I just wrote an article on discipline in the martial arts, and there are several things to be understood about this. Unfortunately, the article was sort of dry, it happens some times, can’t hit a home run every time, but, heck, I can just blog and fix my thoughts that way, right?

So, there is self discipline, and there is no other kind of discipline. If somebody is forcing discipline on you, yes, there may be a dictionary word or meaning relating to that, but the fact is discipline is something that you make for yourself. Nobody else can make it for you.

Guy beats you to make you have better handwriting, that’s not discipline, that is threat and violence.

hardest kicks

True discipline has to do with you ordering yourself, taking control of yourself, and there is no other kind.

the other kind, you see, doesn’t last, has adverse effects. Eventually you’ll hate playing the piano. And you might even beat up the piano teacher.

Reminds me of the hilarious story of the school teacher, back about a 125 years ago, wild west times. He was mean to his students, then he quit and left, and then, years later, he came back. They strung him up. All his students were grown men, saw that he wasn’t very nice, that you don’t treat kids that way, so they hung him.

Now, is that  a lesson or what? I mean, hanging the darned school teacher! I guess he won’t give out no more Fs. Eh?


Anyway, the martial arts are incredibly perfect for giving discipline. People love to do them, they force themselves to do them, they see worth, they get things out of, and the whole thing is the best way of making oneself firmer, straighter, able to study harder, able to feet to where one is going, and so on.

So, the next time you think about putting your little Johnny into a karate class, just so the instructor will give him a little discipline…it’s you that needs the discipline.

Force is not discipline it is punishment, unless the student decides to do it for himself. And I guess that’s what Ir early wanted to say about martial arts discipline. And if you agree, or at least think the matter is worth a little more consideration, check out the free books page in the menu above. It’s a kick, and you can even get a martial arts course for half price. Now that’s a deal!