Category Archives: mixed martial arts

Martial Arts Test Your Knowledge And Be A Smarter Person!

The Great American Martial Arts Test!

This Martial Arts Test will let you know how smart you are in the martial arts. The questions go over a variety of martial arts, and instructions for finding out your grade are at the end. Write down the answer to each question, and have fun.

martial test

Discovering the Mysteries of the Universe!

Who was the Chinese movie star who was called ‘The Little Dragon?’  What was the important style of art learned by the founder of Aikido? What was the name of the brothers responsible for building a national chain of Chinese Kenpo Karate studios?

Who was the founder of the Chinese martial art wherein the students spends large amounts of time ‘walking the circle?’ Who was the first American President to take lessons in the art of Judo? What was the name of the movie that Bruce Lee didn’t complete before his death?

Which Karate system received the official blessing of Master Funakoshi to spread his teachings (it was not Shotokan)? What is the name of the World Taekwondo Headquarters (it is also the home of the World Taekwondo Academy)? Who was the Taekwondo master responsible for the martial arts in ‘Billie Jack?’

What is the name of the book written by the Japanese Samurai who killed sixty people and lived the last years of his life in a cave? What martial art trains one in the use of the martial arts weapon called a Parang? Who was the founder and owner of Black Belt magazine?

What length of time did it take Bill ‘Superfoot’ Wallace to earn his black belt? Which athlete did Bruce Lee watch the films of in a mirror to make sure he got the movements of on both sides? What was the name of the first book Ed Parker wrote on the martial arts (listed in wiki)?

Who was the CIA operative who wrote the first book on Shaolin to receive widespread attention in the US, and what was the name of the book that he wrote? What was the name of the first Kung Fu Movie to really make it big in the United States? Who was the Chinese actor to defeat a villain in a Chinese movie made in 1979, and then play that same villain in the American movie ‘Kill Bill?’

To find any answers you aren’t sure about do a google search. To figure out your results simply take the number of questions you answered correctly and divide by 18. Don’t worry if you didn’t do well on this martial arts test, for you now have the answers and are a smarter person.

martial arts rank

Bruce Lee Workouts And the Real Way to Build Strength-Part Two

Bruce Lee Workouts were incredible, and they resulted in incredible strength!

When people do Bruce Lee workouts of some sort they have no idea what they are getting into. They see the movies, they read the books, but they don’t know what Bruce Lee was really capable of. They don’t know just how powerful he really was.

jun fan gung fuYou see, it wasn’t just that he was a martial arts fanatic, a physical cultist, but that he could actually do superhuman feats of strength. I’ve listed a few of the things he could do here, and you should consider them seriously when you do your Bruce Lee workouts routine. It’s more than just push ups and sit ups, you see, it is going beyond the limits of the body.

First, the sheer speed one builds doing Bruce Lee training routines is more than just faster than the eye could see, it is faster than the mind can comprehend! He could punch an opponent in five one hundredths of second…that’s 0.05 seconds. Try moving your thumb that fast on your digital stopwatch!

Second, Bruce Lee could extend a seventy-five pound barbell straight from his body-arm for several seconds. That is a incredibly difficult. Go ahead, pick up a cinder block and hold it straight out, and that is only a few pounds.

Here is your sleight of hand, magician’s trick-The Little Dragon could snatch a dime out of your open palm and leave a penny. Man, that is faster than a banker forecloses! It’s hard enough to just snatch a coin, let alone leave some change!

Fourth, think your push ups are pretty nifty? Try doing a push up on the thumb and forefinger! His fingers were more powerful than your whole arm!

Or, and I love this one, Mr. Lee could do 50 one arm chin up repetitions! Let me repeat that…that’s FIFTY one hand chin ups. How would you like to have a python as strong as his arms choking you out?

Sixth, and this is for all those tough guys out there that think they can take a kick, Bruce Lee could kick a 300 pound kicking bag and make it hit the ceiling! Now that is launch power! Interestingly, there aren’t a lot of 300 pound martial arts kicking bags around, and Bruce had his made special.

Finally, Bruce could hold an elevated V-sit up position for thirty minutes. I would think that that would actually qualify him as a yoga master, in addition to all his strength and martial arts accomplishments. Think about some of these things when you decide to do some Bruce Lee workouts.

The best way to make a perfect and strong body is Yogata. Head to Monster Martial Arts to find out more.

What is a Karate Sensei Trying to Teach?

Not many people understand what a real Karate sensei is trying to teach. Too often people sign up for a karate lesson, learn to bow and call the teacher Sensei, and don’t even know what the word means. This is true not just of karate, but of other martial arts, such as Kenpo or Kung Fu. To understand what the word sensei means, however, is to change the student’s mind about what the martial arts are all about.

In Japan there is a three year ‘task’ for monks during their training. During this time they must live by the kindness of their fellow man. They sit in places where people pass by and hold their cups out and beg without speaking.

One of the places for these monks is at crossroads. People travel by, flip a coin in the cup, and walk on. And, occasionally, people ask where a destination is.

The monk, who after a time of living in such a manner looks rather shabby, merely extends his finger and points down the road. Thus, the word sensei means: ‘He who points the way.’ And this term has been taken and used by people who are guiding others to a specific destination.

Now, the unfortunate fact is that many martial arts instructors don’t understand this. Martial Arts have exploded across civilization so fast that proper teachings have been all but forgotten. Thus, many karate sensei are in it solely for the ‘domination factor.’

Thus, real teachings are put aside, and the teaching method has been geared for the person who wishes to control people. But a real martial arts teacher doesn’t control people; he teaches martial arts. And there is a huge and vast difference between these two things.

The fellow who teaches people is looking for money, to dominate, to make sure he is the leader of the pack. The fellow who teaches martial arts doesn’t care about being leader of the pack, he just wants to give information that will lead the student down the correct path. The question is…what is the correct path?

A martial art teacher who lacks understanding will point to trophies, to being in charge, to winning no matter what the cost is. A martial art instructor who has not journeyed upon the way himself will push people, call for discipline, and make people monkey see monkey do what he is showing them, no matter that he doesn’t understand it himself. A true Karate sensei gives the teachings, then removes himself from the path of the student.

Fortunately, there is a course that is not monkey see monkey do, but actually works the way old time martial arts instruction. Karate sensei everywhere, if they want to be true to the art, should look to the Martial Arts Instructor Course at Free Martial Arts Online.


I made a deal with Denny over at Karate Supply. He gave me a code to pass on. Order anything you want, put this code in when you check out, and you get a percent off! I’m not sure how much, but it is worth looking into. So if you need a new uniform, weapons, anything at all…go to and type in the code AC789, and get your discount. On anything…on everything…NO LIMIT!

Matrixing Military Martial Arts…Is It a Concept Whose time Has Come?

Orig published as a newsletter, response has been so good I thought I’d put it up as a post in my blogs.

learn karate onlineOkey dokey!
Time for a work out!
Drop everything you’re doing and punch somebody!
maybe you shouldn’t get that carried away.
maybe you should?

I remember when I was young and first learning martial arts,
I lived in apartments
with guys filled with testosterone
and we punched each other all the time.
Cooking the eggs and throwing out blocks.
Kicking somebody so he had to drop the towel
when he came out of the shower,
nothing but fun.
But that’s how you know
you’re doing the real martial arts.
It’s fun.

Speaking of which,
let’s talk about the what the martial arts really are.

The universe is just a bunch of things
flying through space.
Sometimes something flies in your direction
and you have to handle it
before collision occurs.
Isn’t that what the martial arts are?
Fists and feet,
whole bodies flying,
coming at you,
and you have to handle them
before collision occurs.
So when you are doing the martial arts
you are just practicing
how to handle the whole universe.

That’s why martial artists are superior,
you know.

While Joe Blow sits on the comfy couch
and watches reruns of Happy Days
Jim the Martial Artist
is practicing handling
the whole durned universe
one fist at a time.

Jim the martial artist gets so good,
that he can handle anything in the universe,
he is calm,
and in charge of his life.
No wonder the martial arts are fun.

I didn’t mean to go philosophical on you.
It’s just that
a fist to the face
is so beautiful
that it brings a tear to my eye.

I received the greatest win.
I love wins
that come out of the blue,
they blind side me.
I’ll be running full tilt,
trying to get the job done
Big old win
knocks me over,

win deleted…sorry.

You can see why I love this win.

It’s not just a compliment to me,
it’s a compliment to the matrixing method.

Thank you, Dan,
for those kind words.
Much appreciation to you and the guys and gals
for being America’s muscle.

one of the things I look for
is people who have studied different systems.
You see,
I am always saying
that Matrixing works
for every system.
While I have presented it as a martial art,
and shown it working in a variety of different martial styles,
it is really a method for organizing data.
Doesn’t matter where the data comes from,
all that matters is that it is put in order.

here’s something for you to consider.
What if you took a soldier
matrixed his training,
matrixed his way of operating on the battlefield.
This would be a quite an undertaking,
because the modern warrior
is more than a march and shoot boy,
he is a technical wizard
with a variety of disciplines to use
before he gets to march and shoot.
the question remains,
what if you matrixed him?

he goes into combat
and he will know what his teammate is doing,
will have an intuition about what is going on,
even if he can’t directly see or communicate.
He will be working off the same data base of knowledge,
a streamlined and simplified data base,
and he will know what his team mate is doing,
how he is responding,
just from the sounds,
just from the knowledge of where the bombs are dropping,
and the lines of fire.
He will know
and he will know how his team mate will respond,
and he can adjust his actions
so that he
and everybody in his squad,
and even company
are working totally together.

that would sure make a sergeant’s job easy.
You know?

Okey dokey,
just thought I’d toss that in.
A lot of orders have gone to men and women
in the military,
and I sometimes think about
what would happen
in a matrixed world.

you know?

next week is Thanksgiving,
so I need you to
break out the chopper,
throw a rope over one of those tubby buzzards
and get ready for
the yearly turkey slaughter.
Never thought of it that way, eh?
But it’s true.
It’s us against them!
Who will win…
read blooded ‘muricans,
or them thar turkey busturds!

I think we know the answer.
toss another log on the barbie
make sure you have lots of adult beverages
and someplace to stash the keys
until you sober up.

I just thought I’d put out a public service announcement, all right?

while you are thinking and drinking,
and hopefully not getting the two all mixed up,
think about this:
if you ordered Matrix Karate,
or any matrix course from Monster,
right now,
you could have it in time
so you could practice it over the holidays!

Think about it,
lock yourself in a room
with a DVD player
and a change of underwear,
and you could learn n entire martial art!

You think you can’t?
That was one of the things I did with a fellow
when I was first discovering matrixing.
We locked ourselves in the training hall for a week,
and we worked out,
and a week later…
he knew Karate.
And he eventually became a third dan
in a Japanese system.
Just walked in their door,
freestyled their boys,
and received his belt.

True story.

put your order in now,
change your life,
handle the universe,
learn a complete martial art over the holidays.

I mean,
what’s the alternative?
Watching reruns of Happy Days?

You guys and gals have a great weekend,
and I’ll talk to you next Monday.

Here’s the Matrix Karate URL…


You can sign up for the Monster Newsletter by emailing me at

“So the important thing in a military operation is victory, not persistence.”
~ Sun Tzu

I Love Teaching How to Punch Hard!

I love to teach how to punch hard. I have always loved the idea of the tight fist, the punch that knocks ’em over, the fistaroonie that does the job. But teaching it is another high altogether!

hardest punch

The Hardest Punch in All the Martial Arts!

I usually start people off with Matrix Karate. It is logical, there is no mystery, and it is fast to teach. And, the most enjoyable part is teaching somebody what a real punch is.

Last night I had a fellow take my class, and he had an assortment of experience. He actually knew a lot, but the information was all jumbled, out of order. So first thing I do is have him hold a bag, and I punch him.

The eyes go wide, he is slammed back, and he knows something unique has happened for one reason…no effort. I don’t grunt or groan or muscle up. I just get the job done.

Now, here comes the fun part. I tell him what I have done, I show him so he can understand, and then I hold the bag.

People take from 30 seconds to 30 minutes to figure it out, and this guy was smart. His first punch knocked me back a couple of feet.

I grinned. He grinned. He punched me again.

There is something so downright addictive about smacking the you know what out of something (a punching bag with full body weight behind it). It makes the whole art come alive. I tell you, Karate has gotten a bad rap. A lot of people think it is for kids, or tournaments.  But it ain’t so.

Heck, hold the bag for me, I’ll bounce you across the room so fast your head will whiplash. And then I’ll show you how. Thirty seconds of the correct information, and I’ll teach you how to punch hard. Guaranteed.

the hardest punch

Win a Street Fight Using One of These Three Karate Techniques!

I have used these three karate techniques for decades, and I find them invaluable. In fact, I am one hundred per cent sure that these are the three martial arts techniques you must master if you want to win a street fight…and I mean any street fight.

matrix of blocksMind you, I figured these things in tournaments years ago, and they can be used in tournaments, but only if you use proper control. Use them on the street however, defend your life, and you must use them full out.

The first technique is to break the fingers when you are closing in. Many people will have open hands, not always, but enough to where this technique should be paid attention to. So when you close the distance, assuming you are not kicking first, you must slap down on his fingers with a backfist. If you can break his fingers he will rethink everything, and he will have one hand that is pretty much useless.

Second thing, goes right along with breaking fingers, is to force his hands (arms) down. Push them downward, so they are trapped and he can’t use them, and you are going to have a heck of an advantage. This is actually the theory behind Bruce Lee’s famous ‘Straight Blast.’ He would literally ruin at people, sprint at them, shooting punches so that they rode over the arms and forced them down, so that his punches would be unimpeded on the way to the face.

Third, make him blink his eyes. This fits right in with the shooting motion of the hands as you go for broken fingers and trapping hands. If you can shoot the fingers to the eyes, and hit the eyes, then you are going to be fighting somebody who is blind. What could be sweeter, eh?

But even if you don’t manage to blind the mugger, if he blinks his eyes, thinks backward in his mind, then he will be pulling your strikes to his face and not even thinking about defending himself, or even countering. Now, these techniques I discovered in tournaments many decades ago. And you can still use them, but be careful. You don’t want to break your partner’s fingers, but you do want to slap his hands down. And you don’t want to blind him, but you do want him to blink his eyes.

So practice these karate techniques, learn how to use them, and you will never lose a street fight.

The Hard Punch That Will Knock Over an Elephant

You know, I talk about the hard punch a fair amount, wrote the book on it, but there is one thing that I don’t say, but that I should. Now in the book I talk about the methods, and one should practice these methods, and it should get them started, and within a couple of months one should have a hard strike that will kick just about anybody on their keister.

hard punchThis knowledge is invaluable, never been written down before. But the reason I wrote it is not to give the comic book reader a way to steal lunch money, but to get people to dedicate themselves for a few months. If they do that, then they can see the benefit in devoting a lifetime to the martial arts, and here comes the one thing I should have told people.

You don’t need to do the punch a thousand times a day, but you do need to do it a thousand days. Sure, you’ll get the power in a couple of months, but that is just a shadow of the real power you can get. That’s just a teaser.

One of the fellows who first taught me didn’t have any method, he just heard that you could break bricks with your hands, so he set up a brick and hit it fifty times a day. He had to be careful not to bruise his hands, but he practiced, and he just kept practicing. When he couldn’t practice on the brick anymore, he would just practice in the air, and visualize the brick breaking.

He used to take a brick and place it on a fence post, upright, no brace of any sort, and snap a half fist into it. It didn’t just break…it shattered. I mean, the sucker almost exploded! And that was with four years of playing with it.

Can you imagine what that punch would have done to a person?

I had another instructor, and he would place a brick on a step and shear it off. He said the trick was in the timing, that you lift and lower ever so slightly so the brick was actually hitting the cement step at the moment of shear. Some trick, it still takes an immense amount of focus and concentration.

Concentration, that is the key, and that is why you do these tricks. No, Bruce was right, bricks (boards) don’t fight back. But the mental focus you gain in being able to shatter them stays with you your entire life.

Anyway, I recommend you get my book, The Punch, and get all the data. That way you won’t be flying blind. And then think about what I’ve said here. Put it together, then practice, slowly and surely, and within a couple of years you will be doing more than knuckling over elephants. You will feb shattering bricks with your hard punch.

Discipline in the Martial Arts and Hanging the School Teacher!

I just wrote an article on discipline in the martial arts, and there are several things to be understood about this. Unfortunately, the article was sort of dry, it happens some times, can’t hit a home run every time, but, heck, I can just blog and fix my thoughts that way, right?

So, there is self discipline, and there is no other kind of discipline. If somebody is forcing discipline on you, yes, there may be a dictionary word or meaning relating to that, but the fact is discipline is something that you make for yourself. Nobody else can make it for you.

Guy beats you to make you have better handwriting, that’s not discipline, that is threat and violence.

hardest kicks

True discipline has to do with you ordering yourself, taking control of yourself, and there is no other kind.

the other kind, you see, doesn’t last, has adverse effects. Eventually you’ll hate playing the piano. And you might even beat up the piano teacher.

Reminds me of the hilarious story of the school teacher, back about a 125 years ago, wild west times. He was mean to his students, then he quit and left, and then, years later, he came back. They strung him up. All his students were grown men, saw that he wasn’t very nice, that you don’t treat kids that way, so they hung him.

Now, is that  a lesson or what? I mean, hanging the darned school teacher! I guess he won’t give out no more Fs. Eh?


Anyway, the martial arts are incredibly perfect for giving discipline. People love to do them, they force themselves to do them, they see worth, they get things out of, and the whole thing is the best way of making oneself firmer, straighter, able to study harder, able to feet to where one is going, and so on.

So, the next time you think about putting your little Johnny into a karate class, just so the instructor will give him a little discipline…it’s you that needs the discipline.

Force is not discipline it is punishment, unless the student decides to do it for himself. And I guess that’s what Ir early wanted to say about martial arts discipline. And if you agree, or at least think the matter is worth a little more consideration, check out the free books page in the menu above. It’s a kick, and you can even get a martial arts course for half price. Now that’s a deal!

Are Tattooed Martial Artists Stronger or Weaker?

gangster tattoo

Tough? Or Creampuff?

Well, isn’t this the most fascinating observation: it appears that Martial Artists with the most tattoos on their bodies lose more matches.

Mind you, this isn’t a scientific survey, just an observation based on watching a few UFC fights. The results of this unscientific survey, however, indicate that perhaps a deeper study is in order.

To be specific, out of the last three UFC fights I viewed on television people with the most tattoos lost their matches, 67% to 33%.

Two thirds to one third, that means the untattooed fighters are winning twice as much.

There are a couple of things that I had to take into account in this analysis, and these factors could skew the results, and perhaps severely.

One factor was deciding, when two fighters with tattoos were in the ring, which fellow had the most skin tattooed. Usually, but not always, this seemed fairly straightforward.

Another factor that seemed to figure in, be it loosely, was the type of tattoo a martial artist sported. This factor is very hard to pin down, as the fighters are constantly moving and the camera doesn’t always pick out and define the tattoos. The single thing that seemed to prevail, however, was that people with religious tattoos seemed to lose more than people with straight forward (not sure what that means, but there it is) tattoos.

Now, here comes the speculation as to why this is so.

One thing that immediately came to mind was the fact that members of the famous Yakuza organization, when they do reach old age, tend to die of organ failure–I believe it was liver. One doctor surmised, with graph and thick reports, that the ink on the body stopped proper oxygen intake. This would indicate that the liver depends on oxygen ingested through the skin more than other organs. This was presented as a straight forward study, but I have a lot of questions, and would like to get a copy of that document. And then perhaps even be able to read the ‘medicalese’ involved in the study.

The other factor that might figure in in this idea that tattooed MMA fighters lose more than non-tattooed fighters, has to do with being ‘symboled.’

When somebody gets a tattoo, the sole reason is that it ‘looks neat.’ This would indicate that a person is more concerned with appearances than function; would indicate that learning to fight is secondary to looking good. This is an intriguing point, and one which I would put more credence in than the previously mentioned medical opinion.

At any rate, I will be glued to the tube, come the next UFC contest, searching for factors that explain this phenomenon. Who wears what kind of tattoo? How many tattoos? What percentage of the flesh is inked? Can punching power be linked to inkstain? Is endurance suspect when a fighter has more artwork on his skin? Obviously, a sizable door has opened here.

The best way to be tough is to be competent. The best way to be competent is to learn martial arts. Check out Monster Martial Arts.