Category Archives: pa kua chang

I Trained at a Kung Fu School…and Learned to Fart on Your Food!

Kung Fu School…and Learning How to Fart!

I began to understand that having gone to a Kung Fu School, I was not the same as other people. I don’t think I realized how much martial arts had made me unique until the day I ran a social experiment where I had a Kung Fu student deliberately fart on people’s food. Just so you know, no food was actually harmed in the conducting of this social experiment…grin.

kung fu school

Learn Kung Fu...or Be a Politically Correct Idiot!

I knew I wasn’t the same as other people because I don’t follow the rules of society. I was always being in trouble, always said the wrong thing, and always being the only person having a good time. The truth is that breaking the rules and having a good time are two sides of the same coin.

And, I noticed that people around me were getting older, especially in the way they behaved. They started thinking that politicians and other fools and liars were important, and they grew frown lines on their faces. Me, I just kept studying and training and having a good time in Kung Fu and other martial arts.

One day I bought this fart machine on the internet. You click a button and it makes the wonderful sound of a ‘spider barking,’ or whatever you want to call the nether sound,  and most people are easily fooled. Then I had one of my Kung Fu students slide it in his rear pocket, and had him back up to a table at a nearby cafe.

I expected to have to save him when somebody got enraged over his behavior, but I was wrong. It was a sidewalk cafe, people eating along the walk, and he would back his fanny right over the table, and click the button. People stopped conversing, looked down at their tea and toast, and kept right on munching.

I was in shock, farts are actually airborne fecal matter, and every person we did this to just looked down and kept eating. I would have gotten loud and violent if anybody ever tried that on me. So why wasn’t anybody getting outraged?

I would have gotten angry because I learned Kung Fu, and I am trained to stand up to fools who act like that. Simply, I am not afraid of some durned idiot who lets out a puffer. And all those people whose ham and taters we were farting over had not learned martial arts.

The people of this great nation, you see, have gone to school, watched too many soap operas and sitcoms, and had the gumption socially acclimated right out of them. Political correctness has now taken the place of the desire to survive, and people just sit around and be victims…they are afraid to stand up and say: get out of here and don’t you ever pull that stuff again! So go ahead and continue the way you are going, encourage your kids to go to school and learn how to be good repubs or demos, don’t go to a Kung Fu school or take a martial art like Kenpo or Taekwondo or something, and the next time you sit down and hear a strange sound blowing out the back of somebodys shorts…just look down and keep eating.

Toss out political correctness, click to Monster Martial Arts, learn real Kung Fu from a real kung fu school…right off the net…and start undoing what has been done to you.

Three Things One Must Know When Doing True Shaolin Kung Fu Training

Secrets of Real Shaolin Kung Fu Training!

The wins students get from true Shaolin Kung Fu training are absolutely unbelievable. The key to these wins is to train correctly. After all, you could have the nicest cut of ribs in the world, but cook it incorrectly and you’ll have a charcoal mess.

kung fu trainingWhen one is studying Kung Fu one should always move the body as a single unit. Six Harmonies Boxing preaches that one should move the hand at the same time as the foot, the knee with the elbow, and the hips with the shoulders. This is a technical viewpoint, which tends to separate body parts even as it unifies them.

With the hands and feet, one should step or twist into a posture in unison with the starting and stopping of the hand movement. For the knees and elbows, move them in a  manner which results in proper body alignment. For the hips and shoulders, move them in unison and commit your entire body weight into whatever movement you are doing.

The second of the three secrets of Shaolin Kung Fu training is to use the waist to initiate body motion. This is something that people begin to learn naturally after coming to grips with the points about moving the body as one single unit.  Simply, one should use the waist to make the body turn, don’t turn the arms first.

If you move the arms to initiate an action the body weight is going to be trying to catch up, instead of projecting weight and energy, and this tends to take weight out of a movement. Taking weight out of motion will take real power out of a move. If one studies this principle they will end up building the true chi power inherent in Shaolin Kung Fu.

Last secret, one must focus on the right way to breath. There is a commonly held idea that one should breath inward when the body contracts, and outward when the body expands, but there is more to this idea than just that. One must use breath to guide awareness through the body.

To make this occur one should ‘swim with awareness’ when doing the motions of kung fu forms. One should push the hands through the air as if they are moving great weights, this can give one the appearance of swimming through molasses. This tends to be truer in the internal forms and styles of Shaolin Kung Fu training, but that is fine.

To finish up, what you have just read are three significant points that many people neglect, or simply just don’t fully grasp. Yet they are key to good martial arts practices. Make the body parts work as a single unit, move with the whole body, and put breath awareness into your movements, that is the easy and plain secret of true Shaolin Kung Fu Training.

shaolin kung fu train

Karate Kumite…Mad Dog Survival Isn’t Always Emotional!

Karate Kumite is the Fastest Way to Learn How to Fight!

Karate Kumite and Clint Eastwood, I never thought I’d be talking about those two things together. In ‘The Outlaw Josie Wales,’ Clint lectures some sissy pioneers about how to get mad dog mean if you want to survive. There is truth in his lecture, but if you are involved in classical martial arts training, there is also a lie.

monster martial artsThe truth of the matter is that you have to grow your desire to survive. You have to try harder than you have ever tried before. You have to be willing to fight and not stop fighting.

The falsehood in his lecture is that emotion increases desire to win. To understand why this is important in the martial arts we have to define what emotion is. The bizarre fact is that if you look in a dictionary there is not a good definition.

Emotion is not going to be ‘mood,’ or an ‘instinctive state of mind,’ and a definition of that sort tells us very little. So think on this: when somebody is unable to accept reality they create a mental turmoil that is emotion. That’s a heck of a good definition, and I know because I wrote it myself, but we have to look deeper if we are really going to understand emotion and how it works.

The Neutronic definition is: ‘Motion inside the mind.’ You feel a little rage, and in your mind you want to make motion towards the person causing it (hit them in the head with a hammer). But it is all in your mind, and it tends to be a little less than real.

If you were going to strike somebody, would you focus energy into your knee? Sort of a waste, eh? As a martial artist you want to focus energy only into the fist.

When you direct energy into body parts other than the one(s) being used this is wasting energy. This same holds true concerning emotion. Energy in emotion is not energy dedicated to the desire to win; to win it is best if we get mad dog cool, not extra angry.

Emotion is not a bad thing, for emotion is something we can use to communicate others, show our real feelings, experience love, and that sort of thing. However, emotion when you are trying to survive a dire situation can stultify a person’s desire to fight. When it comes to Karate Kumite, or any other type of classical martial arts fighting method, you must increase your desire to win without falling into emotion, or trying to use emotion in any way.

Got a bully bugging you? Want to be able to to fight back? Karate Kumite is the surest way to defend yourself on the planet. Click to Monster Martial Arts.

Martial Science of Neutronics Handles the Mugger!

Martial Science or Martial Art?
Martial Science is what it is,
but everybody thinks it is a Martial Art.
So what is the science behind the science?
What is the Neutronics behind Matrixing?
Matrixing is the analysis and handling of force and direction.
it is the analysis of the direction of force
so that you can handle it.
Neutronics is the study of motion.
martial artsOr,
to be precise,
it is the study of motion
from a fixed position.
Neutronics is based on three things
Protonic (going towards),
Electronic (going away),
Neutronic (nothing happens).
There is nothing else.
a guy is walking down the street
and nothing is really happening.
There’s nobody around,
he’s alone,
nothing is happening.
a mugger appears,
does our hero go protonic or electronic?
Fight or flight,
our hero decides to be smart
and starts running.
But the mugger runs faster.
So our hero must zig and zag
and do everything in his power
to make sure
that distance doesn’t close.
He can’t run away,
he doesn’t want to run towards,
so he must maintain distance,
he must make sure that…
‘nothing happens.’
But it is a different level of ‘nothing happening.’
Our hero must control the universe
through his protonic or electronic maneuverings
to create ‘nothing happening.’
Can you do this?
Can you study enough martial arts
so that you have enough knowledge
so that you are creating ‘nothing happening’
and enjoying it?
The mugger is swinging a club and screaming,
and you are laughing and playing.
so you don’t have a mugger coming at you.
the boss wants to cut your pay
the wife is so irritated she is burning the potatoes,
and the kids are playing with junkies in school…
can you move towards or away
from each of these people
in such a  manner that
not only do you laugh and play,
but they start to laugh and play?
That is neutronic.
That is maintaining a distance
so that everybody wins.
That is real Martial Arts,
that is knowing the martial arts so well
that they take over your life,
and that is going Neutronic.
And a correct study of the Martial Arts
is the only way to do this.
the sequence is this.
you must learn enough martial arts
so that you have a discipline to hold yourself firm,
that you become a fixed position in space.
you must matrix those martial arts
so they make sense
and become intuitive.
you must understand how to use Neutronics.
you must understand one and two
so well
that you no longer need the physical,
that you can just use the mental
to do your analysis and handling
of force and direction
and control the universe.
This is how you play with the mugger
get the boss to laugh while he gives you a raise
manipulate the wife’s irritation into joy
and go to the principle’s office because your son just beat up a drug dealer in school.
Okay, okay,
so maybe we missed it a bit on the kid,
it’s not a bad miss,
that’s Neutronics.
It is an actual science
based on the motions of the universe,
and it is the science
behind the science of matrixing.
You can check out Matrixing at
make sure you have enough martial arts discipline
to hold yourself firm,
and enough Matrixing to make it all logical.
Here’s the Matrix Karate course,
it has the basic Matrixing tables,
and the core theory to matrixing,
and will fix any other martial art.
All you have to do is take the matrixing tables
and plug your art into them.
And if you want to start your matrixing
in another art,
that’s okay, too.
Study what interests you.
That’s about it,
not much more to  say,
and it’s time to go work out.
Next newsletter is the infamous,
Monster Night Before Christmas,
so i’ll talk to you then.
(Don’t miss the Monster Night Before Christmas! Sign up for the Monster Martial Arts Newsletter at…where else…Monster Martial Arts!)
This has been a blog about Martial Science.
martial art

Old Man Knocked Out…Is It Time To Study Kung Fu?

Everybody is going to realize it is time to Study Kung Fu when they see this video. It takes place on a Chicago subway platform, some old dude is walking along begging for change, and he runs into the wrong crowd. Google ‘Elderly Man Attacked on CTA Platform (Chicago).’

Now, time for some serious thought about what just happened. You see somebody old and helpless, almost dazed, definitely doesn’t have a clue, get the sense knocked out of him. So what is it about him that drives a bunch of young criminals to violence?

He isn’t a threat, not any way you look at him. He’s not threatening people, doesn’t really look like he knows what he is doing. So there is no reason for his mugging, and let’s consider the young punk who did the deed to him.

The guy is young and arrogant, probably doesn’t work, and doesn’t look like he wants to. He’s got his crowd of homies, all as full of themselves and as criminal as him, and they are cheering him on. So here’s the question: is this what is happening to the United States?

Or, maybe the question we should frame should be, are you going to do anything about it? There aren’t any police around, and no one comes to protect the old dude. People just run get out of the way and act like doped up people at a rock concert.

And, here’s the point I want to make: nobody knows Kung Fu. Nobody knows Shaolin or Wing Chun or even Tai Chi Chuan. Nobody, even after the fact, goes after the kid and takes him down and holds him for the police.

Now, with America going the way it is going, people out of work, or, like this kid, not even wanting to work, there is obviously going to be violence on the streets. We see the protestors and the mobs, and we hear the rumors of food riots on their way, and do you know any kind of personal self defense? Have you ever had a martial arts class, learned a karate kata, done a few taekwondo kicks?

Maybe it’s time to do something like that, you know? If the future is filled with what you just saw on that Chicago subway, maybe it’s time to learn how to take somebody out with a good swift kick, a poke to the eyes, some, old fashioned Kung fu self defense moves. Well, while you think about whether you are going to survive the coming years, I’m going to find a training hall where I can study Kung Fu.

It’s really to study Kung Fu. Head to Monster Martial Arts for the most efficient Kung Fu you have ever seen.
get black belt now

Man Steals Own TV Set And Asks Why Didn’t He Learn Kung Fu!

Don’t Help Criminals! Learn Kung Fu!

This fellow had to be asking why didn’t he learn Kung Fu. He lived in Wilmington, Delaware, and he was sauntering down the sidewalk, approaching his own home. Seeing a fellow carrying a TV set, and seeing that the fellow was struggling, he quickly jumped in and offered to help.

You can imagine his surprise, maybe when he grabbed the falling remote, or maybe saw a glass stain on the top, or whatever, that he was holding his own TV set. He looked down the street and realized that his front door was open! That’s right, he was helping a thief steal his own TV set!

Now, what do you do in such a predicament? Do you let go of the TV set, breaking it, and throw a front kick? Do you ask the fellow to put it on the ground for a second, pretending you are tired or need to regrip it, and then scream bloody murder?

After all, the thief has broken into your house. He has gone through your stuff, selected what he thought he would like, and treated your home like a supermarket! Is there any reason to think he hasn’t been in prison, doesn’t know how to fight, isn’t willing to kill you over a TV set?

That’s the point at which you wished you had studied a good system of Kung Fu. A Martial Art like Wing Chun or Hsing i, or maybe even a bit of Tai Chi Chuan! After all, if you want to get in a war with a criminal, you need to be in tip top physical shape, and you need to know how to inflict a little damage while not getting a little damage.

Your best chance is just to scream for all you are worth. After all, criminals don’t want to meet the police, they want to get away! That’s why they call them criminals, right?

Your second best bet, in the event that he decides to take you out and continue with his shopping of your property, is to maintain distance and try a kick for the gonads. You should do this while screaming as loud as you can, of course. Kicks to the groin, taking out the knees, all while staying out of range of his criminal fists is a good idea.

Your last bet, and this is last chance, is to slug it out, grapple, do anything you can to take him out, all while screaming, all while trying to make sure he doesn’t get to you. You know, if you study something like Tai Chi Chuan, a Shaolin Kung fu, anything like that, you are going to have a tremendous advantage. A hardened criminal doesn’t have the strength of discipline to learn Kung Fu, so if you have learned, you will definitely have a better chance of surviving.

get black belt now

How to Start Your Own Martial Arts School

Make a Few Extra bucks with a Martial Arts School

In this modern age, with the economy crumbling, with war clouds looming on the horizon, with everybody shrieking doom and gloom, there has never been a better time to star a martial art school.
Heck, you get dollars, often liquid dollars, just for helping people get in better shape, sharpening up their minds, and teaching them some rather fun karate lessons about how to take apart a human body. One would hope, of course, that your martial arts student wouldn’t have to take apart a human body.
But, better to be prepared than sorry.
Here’s a short video on how to teach, you can check out the whole series if you follow the links. I’ll tell you more about starting your own karate dojo or Kung Fu kwoon right below it.

Now, first thing is to make sure you know the martial arts. You should have a black belt, at least, and the more martial arts systems you know, the better off you will be.
Second, you need to go to college for eight years to get a teacher’s certificate, and…no you don’t!
Here’s the funny thing, you don’t need a teacher’s license or anything like that to teach Karate or Taekwondo or any other art. All you need is the knowledge.
You see, nobody really teaches people how to teach the martial arts. They just take it for granted that if you earned a black belt then you can teach.
And, the ‘official’ martial arts schools that say they train teachers, they don’t have any teacher program, no special knowledge, they just let you teach people for a while, assume you know what you are doing, then grant you a diploma. Of course, that cert might cost you a few bucks, might cost a lot of time, but, in truth, it doesn’t mean you have any special knowledge.
The most special knowledge I have ever seen, for teachers in such arts as Jujitsu, kung fu, or other arts, is that they went to boot camps where they were put through the wringer to get tougher. Tougher doesn’t make smarter; tougher doesn’t make a teacher.
Anyway, if you want to start your own martial arts school, if you want some actual information, some actual specialized and accurate knowledge concerning how to teach the martial arts, let me know. I’ll send you a free martial arts book on how to start your own school. You have to ask for the ‘Start Your Own Martial Arts School’ book. I get a lot of email, and you have to be specific or I won’t know what you want. My address is


I made a deal with Denny over at Karate Supply. He gave me a code to pass on. Order anything you want, put this code in when you check out, and you get a percent off! I’m not sure how much, but it is worth looking into. So if you need a new uniform, weapons, anything at all…go to and type in the code AC789, and get your discount. On anything…on everything…NO LIMIT!

How Matrix Martial Arts was Born

matrix martial artsI was going over various things
having to do with matrixing,
and I realized something,
many people are coming in late,
I’m talking about the latest things,
and they don’t know anything about
the beginnings of matrixing.
I need to fix that.
One of the first wins I ever got
was from a fellow name of John Champion.
Most people never heard of him,
but he produced the old TV series
McHale’s Navy.
the old television series
Before that he produced movies
worked with people like Audi Murphy,
Linda Darnell, Joel McCrea,
Sterling Hayden, Ward Bond,
and a slew of other big time names
from the fifties.
Before that,
he wrote screenplays,
and all sorts of other stuff.
When I met him he had had a heart attack.
Actually had something like a quarter of his heart removed,
Here’s his win.
March 6, 1985
Dear Al:
Having suffered two severe coronaries, resulting in an inoperable condition, I am forced to take eighteen pills a day to stay alive. As a result, at 62, your training methods seemed to have nothing to offer me. In fact there appeared to be genuine risks in my getting involved in any rigorous physical discipline.
I’m pleased to report I was wrong on all counts.
After only ten work outs with you, my condition has improved greatly. Something else amazes me even more. I’m able to grapple with and frequently solve mental problems that were completely defeating me six weeks ago.
Thank you for your invaluable help.
John Champion.
I taught John The Infinite Fist
from the Create Your Own Art Course.
Honestly, he was so weak and fuzzy brained
it was a work out
just to get him to move.
the logic pulled him through,
and by the time 20 lessons had passed he had done
pretty much everything on the Create Your Own Art course.
We didn’t get into big takedowns,
but we did go into weapons a bit.
This because he walked late at night with his wife
and wanted self protection.
One day he held out a golf club,
asked me if that was a good weapon.
I said something like,
‘not for blocking.’
He held it over his head with two hands,
told me to hit him with one of my wooden swords.
I laughed,
took the club out of his hands
and snapped it in my hands.
We laughed as he realized that
if I had swung my heavy bokken at him
he would have massive head injuries.
he looked at one of my scripts,
offered to buy it,
and then he told me that he would make me a producer.
I wasn’t interested at all,
I wanted to do martial arts,
not produce movies,
which actually seemed to upset him.
He couldn’t understand how I could turn down
the chance at riches and power and gorgeous movie stars.
I couldn’t understand
how anybody could be waylaid
by such superficial things.
he was a tremendous fellow.
the Create Your Own Art course
has the original research I did.
In the beginning
I wrote long lists,
I filled hundreds of notebooks with lists of techniques from various arts
and combinations of arts,
just trying to make sense out of it all.
I stumbled across the actual formula,
the matrixing table
which made all lists obsolete.
a couple of matrix tables
created all the techniques I had been tried to sort through,
and I ended up throwing away a couple of hundred spiral ring notebooks
filled with lists of techniques, forms, drills,
and everything I knew,
but couldn’t make sense out of.
Matrixing provided me with the logic
to see everything…
everything in the martial arts
could be fitted into a little matrixing.
So Create Your Own Art has the three arts I used,
it has a couple of the old lists I used,
and which had proved particularly helpful
in making the first matrix tables.
The problem with it is the grainy, ancient video technology.
You can understand what I am saying and doing,
but it is blurry.
The other problem,
if you consider it a problem,
is my youth.
I was not polished
as a writer or public speaker,
and I tend to judge myself for that.
the thing to remember is that
my lack of personal polish is not what we are looking at,
what we are looking at is my enthusiasm,
an enthusiasm that was so overwhelming
that I turned down Hollywood offers
just to do the martial arts.
to be truthful,
I usually recommend Matrix Karate
as the first course,
because it has the matrix tables in it.
there is incredible value
in seeing the source material,
getting a look at what I was doing
and what led to me figuring out
the matrixing tables
and how they worked.
That’s the story,
and I’ll probably write a lot more on these early days.
I like thinking about the fun I had,
I like sharing it,
and I know it helps people,
gives them some reality on what I went through
to figure this stuff all out.
as I said earlier,
turkey day is past,
time to work out,
get rid of the fat
before Xmas comes
and we get fat all over again.
and I’ll talk to you later.

Matrixing Military Martial Arts…Is It a Concept Whose time Has Come?

Orig published as a newsletter, response has been so good I thought I’d put it up as a post in my blogs.

learn karate onlineOkey dokey!
Time for a work out!
Drop everything you’re doing and punch somebody!
maybe you shouldn’t get that carried away.
maybe you should?

I remember when I was young and first learning martial arts,
I lived in apartments
with guys filled with testosterone
and we punched each other all the time.
Cooking the eggs and throwing out blocks.
Kicking somebody so he had to drop the towel
when he came out of the shower,
nothing but fun.
But that’s how you know
you’re doing the real martial arts.
It’s fun.

Speaking of which,
let’s talk about the what the martial arts really are.

The universe is just a bunch of things
flying through space.
Sometimes something flies in your direction
and you have to handle it
before collision occurs.
Isn’t that what the martial arts are?
Fists and feet,
whole bodies flying,
coming at you,
and you have to handle them
before collision occurs.
So when you are doing the martial arts
you are just practicing
how to handle the whole universe.

That’s why martial artists are superior,
you know.

While Joe Blow sits on the comfy couch
and watches reruns of Happy Days
Jim the Martial Artist
is practicing handling
the whole durned universe
one fist at a time.

Jim the martial artist gets so good,
that he can handle anything in the universe,
he is calm,
and in charge of his life.
No wonder the martial arts are fun.

I didn’t mean to go philosophical on you.
It’s just that
a fist to the face
is so beautiful
that it brings a tear to my eye.

I received the greatest win.
I love wins
that come out of the blue,
they blind side me.
I’ll be running full tilt,
trying to get the job done
Big old win
knocks me over,

win deleted…sorry.

You can see why I love this win.

It’s not just a compliment to me,
it’s a compliment to the matrixing method.

Thank you, Dan,
for those kind words.
Much appreciation to you and the guys and gals
for being America’s muscle.

one of the things I look for
is people who have studied different systems.
You see,
I am always saying
that Matrixing works
for every system.
While I have presented it as a martial art,
and shown it working in a variety of different martial styles,
it is really a method for organizing data.
Doesn’t matter where the data comes from,
all that matters is that it is put in order.

here’s something for you to consider.
What if you took a soldier
matrixed his training,
matrixed his way of operating on the battlefield.
This would be a quite an undertaking,
because the modern warrior
is more than a march and shoot boy,
he is a technical wizard
with a variety of disciplines to use
before he gets to march and shoot.
the question remains,
what if you matrixed him?

he goes into combat
and he will know what his teammate is doing,
will have an intuition about what is going on,
even if he can’t directly see or communicate.
He will be working off the same data base of knowledge,
a streamlined and simplified data base,
and he will know what his team mate is doing,
how he is responding,
just from the sounds,
just from the knowledge of where the bombs are dropping,
and the lines of fire.
He will know
and he will know how his team mate will respond,
and he can adjust his actions
so that he
and everybody in his squad,
and even company
are working totally together.

that would sure make a sergeant’s job easy.
You know?

Okey dokey,
just thought I’d toss that in.
A lot of orders have gone to men and women
in the military,
and I sometimes think about
what would happen
in a matrixed world.

you know?

next week is Thanksgiving,
so I need you to
break out the chopper,
throw a rope over one of those tubby buzzards
and get ready for
the yearly turkey slaughter.
Never thought of it that way, eh?
But it’s true.
It’s us against them!
Who will win…
read blooded ‘muricans,
or them thar turkey busturds!

I think we know the answer.
toss another log on the barbie
make sure you have lots of adult beverages
and someplace to stash the keys
until you sober up.

I just thought I’d put out a public service announcement, all right?

while you are thinking and drinking,
and hopefully not getting the two all mixed up,
think about this:
if you ordered Matrix Karate,
or any matrix course from Monster,
right now,
you could have it in time
so you could practice it over the holidays!

Think about it,
lock yourself in a room
with a DVD player
and a change of underwear,
and you could learn n entire martial art!

You think you can’t?
That was one of the things I did with a fellow
when I was first discovering matrixing.
We locked ourselves in the training hall for a week,
and we worked out,
and a week later…
he knew Karate.
And he eventually became a third dan
in a Japanese system.
Just walked in their door,
freestyled their boys,
and received his belt.

True story.

put your order in now,
change your life,
handle the universe,
learn a complete martial art over the holidays.

I mean,
what’s the alternative?
Watching reruns of Happy Days?

You guys and gals have a great weekend,
and I’ll talk to you next Monday.

Here’s the Matrix Karate URL…


You can sign up for the Monster Newsletter by emailing me at

“So the important thing in a military operation is victory, not persistence.”
~ Sun Tzu